Automated KYC and AML

End-to-end solutions

Digitally transform know your customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) programs or evolve your current approach. Remove manual effort. Create efficiency. Meet regulatory requirements. And deliver better end-to-end experiences.

Moody’s can automate your KYC, KYB, and AML activities with digital workflows, integrated data checks, and a full case management solution.

Orchestrate supplier or customer due diligence (CDD), enhanced due diligence (EDD), identity and verification checks, PEPs, sanctions and adverse media screening - all based around your risk policies. Put the weight of activity on our automated risk engine and bring your experts into the process where they add most value.

Man looking at cell phone

KYC automation

Digitally transform customer onboarding

Move into the future with a digital onboarding solution that transforms how you manage risk and compliance. Focus on KYC and AML efficiency and deliver better experiences for customers and employees. Our tailored KYC and AML workflows make the process more efficient and user-friendly.

With a digital onboarding solutions, you can remove the limitations of manual processes and reviews. Bring due diligence data checks together in one place. Create risk profiles and make decisions that are right for your organization and its risk appetite. With Moody’s you also have an audit trail of actions and outcomes to simplify reporting.

Onboarding is not just about risk management and compliance. It's about your customers too. Eliminate time-consuming meetings, paperwork, manual data entry, and disparate data checks.

Step into the future of digital onboarding - where compliance efficiency meets superior experiences.

Moody's KYC and AML solutions

Bring together data and analysis for better decision making

Moody's offers innovative, comprehensive, and AI-enabled solutions. We are here to help you deliver the key components of an efficient, effective KYC and AML program.

Data collection

Data collection

Gather and verify customer or supplier information from various sources including Moody's leading, global individual and entity datasets. Automate access to government registries, tax registries, watchlists, and other datasets in near real-time.

Data analysis

Data analysis

Once you have the data, analyze risks and create low-, medium-, and high-risk profiles according to your own definition. Then use your 360-degree view to make risk-based decisions. Onboard, escalate issues, begin enhanced due diligence, or off-board third parties.

Decision making

Decision making

Based on analysis of the data gathered through Moody's, you can begin automating and streamlining making decisions. Design the solution to your needs, whether that’s improving straight-through processing (STP) or using the data for human-led decisioning. 

We work with regulated businesses, including banks, fintechs, insurers, and other financial institutions, as well as corporate clients, government departments, professional services teams, and more.

Tailor a KYC and AML solution that automates data collection and analysis to deliver a risk-based approach. Mitigate financial crime threats, achieve regulatory compliance, and avoid reputational harm.

Ongoing customer and supplier risk monitoring

Choose perpetual KYC

Transition ongoing monitoring from set review periods to a model that’s driven by material changes. Perpetual KYC (pKYC) can be set up to automate risk monitoring across your business network on a continual basis and in near real-time.

Get meaningful flags to trigger enhanced due diligence or inform decision making.

  • Define your workflow around your risk policy and appetite 
  • Integrate a workflow of real-time data screening
  • Get alerts on customers or suppliers when there are material changes
  • Avoid large-scale remediation projects

Perpetual KYC makes for more efficient and cost effective ongoing monitoring. Support a sustainable and scalable compliance function. Uncover risk in real-time and make decisions with confidence.

5 reasons to choose Moody's to automate KYC and AML

Moody's automated workflows and integrated data checks remove manual effort and create efficiency across KYC and AML processes

Moody's perpetual KYC allows for continuous risk monitoring in near real-time, helping you make decisions with confidence and avoid large-scale remediation projects

Moody's solutions help you meet regulatory requirements and ensure adherence to compliance standards anywhere in the world

By automating KYC, KYB, and AML activities, Moody's enables better decision-making based on data analysis and accurate risk profiles

Moody's digital solutions streamline risk and compliance, making the experience more user-friendly

Bring the KYC and AML data sources you need into your own ecosystem. Make onboarding and ongoing risk monitoring easier through automation. Chose which KYC and AML checks to integrate into your processes, change your configuration when needed, and drive the best results.

Select rich, deep sources of data from Moody's along with other global providers for all your digital identity, entity verification, fraud, risk, and compliance needs. Run KYC and perpetual KYC workflows for business entities and individuals anywhere in the world. And leverage our latest AI-enabled and machine learning tools for intelligent screening to reduce false positives and confirm true risk alerts.

Intelligence & insight

Automate risk management and compliance

Get the business intelligence and insight you need to continually improve KYC and AML risk management and compliance. Access information for audit or reporting to stakeholders and regulators. See bottlenecks in a workflow down to the task and check level. Make configuration changes for ongoing efficiency. And ensure continuous improvement with a full understanding of how your KYC, KYB, and AML processes are operating.

Streamline third-party risk management

Third-party relationships can be complex, so get a solutions that helps simplify risk assessment. Moody’s offers you a comprehensive, efficient way to understand risk and achieve compliance in a dynamic operating environment.

Our solutions simplify complex regulatory demands like know your supplier (KYS), anti-money laundering (AML), and anti-bribery and anti-corruption (ABAC) by providing a central hub to conduct research and due diligence.

A key benefit of Moody's solutions is the reduction of labor-intensive investigations. Automate repetitive tasks and leverage our advanced analytics to decrease the time and resources needed to assess third-party risks.

Combine data, technology, and human expertise in a single platform. Get a powerful tool to streamline third-party onboarding, conduct thorough supplier due diligence, screen for sanctions compliance, and monitor ongoing money laundering risks.

Increase efficiency, mitigate the risk of human error and eliminate error-prone activities that could lead to compliance issues. Streamline processes, ensure consistency in risk management and compliance efforts, and make decisions with confidence about who you work with.

Moodys compliance and risk management

FAQs about KYC and AML

Automated KYC (Know Your Customer) is the process of using technology to verify the identity of customers and assess their risk levels without human intervention, or with minimal intervention. This can include using machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence to analyze data and inform decision making at onboarding, for example when opening an account, or during ongoing risk monitoring.

KYC is convenient for automation as it allows for faster and more efficient verification of customer identities and risk assessment processes. This can help regulated businesses, such as financial services companies, comply with regulations more effectively and reduce the potential for human error. But automated KYC is also useful for non-regulated organizations.

Automated AML, or automated anti-money laundering, refers to the use of technology and software to detect and prevent money laundering activities through legitimate organizations. It includes the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analysis to identify suspicious individuals or entities, monitor customer or supplier behavior, and ensure compliance with regulation. By automating AML processes, organizations can more effectively and efficiently detect and prevent money laundering activities, reducing their risk exposure and protecting their reputation.

Intelligent automation of AML leverages advanced technologies like AI and ML to make processes more effective. This includes automation of repetitive tasks, real-time risk monitoring, and the ability to adapt and learn from new data. Intelligent automation in AML enables organizations to improve the accuracy and efficiency of AML efforts, reduce false positives, and enhance their ability to detect and prevent money laundering. Combining automation with intelligent algorithms, Moody's AML solutions provide a sophisticated and proactive approach to combating financial crime.

Moody's is continually innovating and using AI and machine learning in its KYC/AML solutions to streamline processes. Helping match names, verifying customer identities, and assess potential risks. By using these technologies, Moody's can analyze large amounts of data quickly and accurately, helping to identify red flags or changing risks that may indicate suspicious activity. These technologies are helping organizations comply with regulations and protect against financial crime more efficiently.

Know Your Business (KYB) is a process that organizations use to verify the identity and assess the risk associated with their corporate clients. It involves gathering information about a company's ownership structure, financial health, and compliance with regulations to ensure they are reputable and trustworthy.

Supplier due diligence is the process of evaluating and monitoring the vendors and suppliers that an organization works with to ensure they meet certain standards of quality, compliance, and ethical business practices. This helps companies mitigate risks across supply chains and ensures that they are working with reliable and responsible partners. 

Moody's award-winning automated KYC and AML solutions are designed to streamline processes and enhance compliance for businesses. With Moody's, you can experience increased efficiency through automated workflows and integrated data checks, ensuring you meet any regulatory requirements.

Make informed decisions based on comprehensive risk profiles and data analysis, while improving the overall customer experience with user-friendly, digital onboarding solutions. Stay ahead of risks with ongoing monitoring, avoiding large-scale remediation projects and acting on data in real-time.

Moody's offers end-to-end solutions for automated KYC and AML processes, bringing efficiency to the forefront of your operations.

KYC and AML for your business

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