China growth & credit

Credit risks evolve in China amid a structural economic shift, protracted adjustment in the property sector and changes in the regulatory and geopolitical environment.

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Emerging drivers, enduring risks

What's next for China

China is pushing the development of new growth drivers, including electric vehicles and clean energy, but it faces challenges in the road ahead.

Construction & homebuilding

Read more on global construction and homebuilding companies, including Chinese property developers.

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Local government financing vehicles

Read more on China’s local government financing vehicles, also known as LGFVs, that primarily finance, invest in and operate public infrastructure and social welfare projects on behalf of regional and local governments.

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Upcoming and recent events

Inside China with Moody's – A Tale of Two Markets: China's property sector diverges

Contracted real estate sales continue to decline as the Chinese government pursues a long-term strategy to transform the real estate sector, but we are seeing divergence between first- and second-tier cities, as well as between new and second-hand markets. Join our analysts to discuss the credit implications of these divergent trends.

Inside China with Moody's - China NEVs: The rise of new energy vehicles and the implications on the economy

In this webinar, we’ll discuss the progress of and challenges facing China’s NEV industry, the impact on automakers, the investments needed to strengthen the infrastructure for NEVs and the implications for China’s auto loan ABS market.


Join our analysts as they discuss the impact of credit trends on Asia-Pacific (APAC) real estate investment trusts (REITs) and real estate operating companies (REOCs).

Contact us

Lillian Li

VP, Senior Credit Officer