Climate change and droughts threaten Africa with food crisis as startups race to unlock region’s agriculture potential

April 19, 2023

Climate change and droughts threaten Africa with food crisis as startups race to unlock region’s agriculture potential

Extreme temperatures and drought, exacerbated by climate change, are threatening Africa’s food supply chain. Numerous actors — from governments and big business to African startups and global humanitarian organizations — are responding to the continent’s food challenges.

Reinsurers defend against rising tide of natural catastrophe losses, for now

January 10, 2023

Reinsurers defend against rising tide of natural catastrophe losses, for now

Climate change, which is driving more frequent and increasingly severe natural catastrophes, is a growing threat to reinsurers because they accumulate losses from primary companies.

American consumers are stressed, but they are still spending

November 22, 2022

American consumers are stressed, but they are still spending

US consumer spending continues to fare better amid signs of economic stress, but is softening heading into the 2022 holidays. Shoppers are cutting back on discretionary items and shifting to services.

Industries boost cyber defenses against growing number of attacks

November 14, 2022

Industries boost cyber defenses against growing number of attacks

A September 2022 analysis by Moody’s Investors Service reveals which industries and sectors face the greatest risks to cybersecurity threats.

China’s weak property sales and funding constraints fuel developer defaults, sector woes test banks

September 27, 2022

China’s weak property sales and funding constraints fuel developer defaults, sector woes test banks

Despite policy guidance to stabilize the property sector, China’s property sector remains troubled with more defaults looming. Banks will maintain a cautious approach in their financing to the sector, and financial distressed developers will continue to raise asset risks for banks.

Rapid growth of virtual banks puts new verve into old banking systems

April 7, 2022

Rapid growth of virtual banks puts new verve into old banking systems

New, digital-only challenger banks are growing rapidly across the globe. Some have achieved outstanding cost efficiency and profitability.

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