Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Once I register, what can I access?

As a registered user, you can search or browse entities or deals by name, market identifiers as well as read rating news. Access to our in-depth research and analytic tools are only available to clients.

If you are interested in becoming a client, please see our Contact Us section to speak to a client services representative nearest you.

Q: What if my username or password is not recognized?

If your username is not recognized, you will be asked to contact Client Services for your account details. If your password is not recognized, you will have three attempts to enter it correctly before your account is locked; if it is locked you can contact Client Services for a temporary password and upon logging in will be asked to change the password to a permanent one or you can wait 30 minutes and then use the “Reset Your Password” link.

Q: What if I forget my username or password?

If your username is not recognized, you will be asked to contact Client Services for your account details. If you forget your password, you can use the “Forgot your password” link on the sign-in page.

Q: What content can I find on this website?

Moody's is an integrated risk assessment firm that empowers organizations to make better decisions. Our site includes global ratings data and research as well as an array of tools to help decision-makers identify opportunities and manage the risks. Once logged in, you can search and  browse our information via Organization, Structured Finance deal and specific market identifiers.

Q: How can I find regulatory credit ratings disclosures for Moody’s Investors Service?

Click on the Regulatory link located at the footer of the Moody’s Homepage. You will be redirected to This site has information from Moody’s Investors Service (MIS) that is subject to regulatory oversight due to the company’s role as a credit rating agency. Additional log-in is not required if you are already registered/signed on

Q: How do I find out what Moody’s rating scale is?

Please refer to Moody’s Rating Symbols and Definitions. Moody’s rating symbols, rating scales, ratings-related definitions and information about certain other activities of Moody’s Investors Service are contained in Moody's Rating Symbols and Definitions publication.

Q: How do I get permission to redistribute Moody's content?

Follow the instructions listed under the Requests Use Moody's Content section.