Client due diligence & business intelligence


Streamline your compliance processes to mitigate the risk associated with potential and existing clients or policyholders, their partners and service providers to protect your organization from financial, regulatory, and reputational risks.

Moody's provides powerful data on individuals and companies from across the globe, including sanctioned entities and watchlists, extensive corporate structures and beneficial ownership data. You can integrate these data sources, and datasets from other leading providers, into your automated compliance workflows and existing back-office systems. Blend risk information with your own customer and prospect data to dramatically improve the efficiency of anti-money laundering (AML), client due diligence (CDD), and counter-terrorist financing (CTF) processes.

From onboarding to customer due diligence to knowing your business, we offer the data, analytics, and solutions to be your trusted partner in risk management and compliance. 

How Moody’s can help

Solve challenges for Insurance

Identify, verify, and assess clients using timely, accurate sanctions, PEPs, and watchlist data combined with ownership and control information for a full view of risk exposure.

As more data is available, more effort is required to process it. Leverage machine learning to process more data quickly, so you can screen more of your portfolio with less false positives.

Meet expectations for corporate responsibility, reputational risk, and transparency with reliable procedures in place. Identify potential concerns in your supply and development chains, and manage global sanctions requirements with efficient and effective due diligence.

Get the intelligence and insight needed to continually improve your risk and compliance program. Centralize your data and empower your employees to help ensure reviews are done completely and in a timely manner with approval controls and data governance.

Risk management and compliance

Empowering the entire Insurance sector

Streamline your customer due diligence (CDD) and third-party risk management (TPRM) processes, regardless of the size and geographical spread of your insurance provider network.

Identify risks linked to politically exposed persons (PEPs) or sanctioned individuals within your network. Make informed, risk-based decisions using our accurate, real-time data.

CDD isn't a one-off process. Insurance companies can implement continuous monitoring of clients to identify changes in risk profiles or detect suspicious activities throughout the policy term.

Combat insurance fraud effectively. A best practices CDD programs serves as your first line of defense against fraudulent claims.

Effectively pinpoint high-risk customers, enabling you to take additional steps such as investigating fund origins to prevent financial crime and safeguard your business.

Implement advanced know your customer (KYC) controls to mitigate the reputation risk arising from undetected financial crime.


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