Leveraged finance market

As global financial markets contend with challenges such as higher interest rates and lower valuations, our proprietary research provides core insights about how these changes are affecting leveraged loan and high yield bond markets. Look to Moody’s for the latest on default trends and the state of spec-grade liquidity, covenants, refunding risk – as well as the growing influence of private credit on this space.


Private Credit and Leveraged Finance: New strategies, new risks

As private debt markets expand, performance dispersion is appearing in private credit portfolios – a stark reminder that performance dispersion may only reveal itself when credit challenges emerge.

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Private credit

Look to Moody’s for comprehensive, in-depth opinion on private credit risk across a full range of investment vehicles, including business development companies, asset managers and middle market collateralized loan obligation tranches. 

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Leveraged finance sector overview

Subscribers can now dive into an extensive overview of leveraged finance markets across the globe. Quickly find and access key publications such as the Leveraged Finance Interest newsletters, Monthly Default Reports and research on areas like private credit and covenants, all in one place. 

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European High Yield, Leveraged Loans & CLO Briefing

Join us as we discuss strategies and views in an environment characterised by slower economic growth, higher interest rates, lower valuations and a plethora of geopolitical risks capable of destabilising markets


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