
Orbis is the most powerful comparable data resource on private companies—and it covers listed companies too.

We go further than just providing information, we carefully capture a wide variety of data, then we treat, append, and standardize it to make it richer, more powerful, and easier to integrate.

Formerly a Bureau van Dijk (BvD) flagship solution, Orbis can help you simplify the decision-making process with extensive data, timely insights and cutting-edge tools aimed at helping you navigate an era of exponential risk and grow your business.

What we do

Orbis can help you find, analyze, and compare companies across the globe for better decision making and increased efficiency.

Powerful comparable data

With information on more than 527 million companies across the globe, Orbis captures and blends data from more than 170 different sources and treats it so it's standardized and comparable

Extensive corporate ownership structures

Our extensive database serves as the go-to resource for corporate and beneficial ownership structures. Our corporate trees help you gain a robust view of the ownership of your potential and existing business partners and third-party associates.

A holistic view

Our standardized and curated data covering firmographic, financial details, hierarchies and ownership, foreign investments, merger and acquisition (M&A) activity, among others, can provide companies with a better understanding of emerging risks and develop a competitive advantage.

Country-specific offers

For those organizations who need a more specialized view of entities within certain European countries, including country-specific financial data or formats, we offer a number of country-level databases, including AIDA, FAME, DIANE, MARKUS, ASTREE, and more.

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525+ million entities

With more than 525 million entities and companies within Orbis, Moody's now delivers even more extensive data for our customers. More data means more actionable insights to manage risk, act decisively and advance their business.

How we help

01 Sales and marketing

Sales and marketing

Use the Orbis database to engage in strategic business development and customer relationship management (CRM) enrichment. Orbis can help you resolve existing data issues by highlighting duplicate records and companies that are no longer in business. We can also help you harmonize different datasets across your business, and add data, like activity codes, company size, company growth, corporate group details and financial strength metrics that will help your salespeople to sell more effectively.

02 Master data management

Master data management

Orbis’ global company reference data, encompassing firmographics, company size metrics, and corporate hierarchies, along with our unique proprietary data types, caters to an enterprise's functional and analytical requirements.

With industry-leading coverage of over 489 million entities, our company reference data promotes enterprise-wide interoperability, and is available via a wide range of data integration options and applications to ensure seamless delivery to virtually any third-party or in-house data management system.

03 Corporate finance

Corporate finance

Orbis lets you analyze individual companies in detail and compare companies against each other. You can build specific searches to help you find potential target companies.

You also get exceptional coverage of deals and rumors with our M&A database, Orbis M&A, which is directly integrated into the Orbis database.

04 Compliance and financial crime

Compliance and financial crime

Moody’s Orbis database gives you access to information on hundreds of millions of private companies across the world. Use Orbis in your Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Know Your Customer (KYC), Client Due Diligence (CDD), and Enhanced Due Diligence processes.

Automate company checks for swift onboarding, comprehensive due diligence, and perpetual risk monitoring. And integrate Orbis’ award-winning data into Moody’s full suite of anti-financial crime solutions to achieve compliance, understand risk, and make decisions with confidence about who you work with.

05 Supplier risk

Supplier risk

We capture and treat private company information for better decision making and increased efficiency. We bring your supplier data ‘to life’ by enriching it with our content, and presenting it in simple dashboards, so you can interpret it quickly and work more efficiently.

06 Credit risk

Credit risk

Orbis helps you do fast company financial checks and in-depth analyses. Use its unique financial strength data and comparable, detailed financial reports to do credit assessments across multiple countries. And it can also be integrated with your own risk systems.

07 Cyber risk

Cyber risk

Use Cyber Risk Ratings by Bitsight in Orbis to understand the level of cybersecurity risk posed by your key third parties. With ratings on over 6 million entities within Orbis, Bitsight's cybersecurity ratings provide a concise summary of an organization’s cybersecurity performance, with security incident history—covering over seven years.

By using these analytics to understand and mitigate the cybersecurity risk posed by third parties, you can help protect your organization from significant financial, legal, operational, and reputational consequences.

08 Tax and transfer pricing

Tax and transfer pricing

Orbis combines company data with transfer pricing (TP) functionality, so you can plan, set policies, and manage risk. You can also document your compliance procedures to help with the full TP analysis process.

Our feasibility and savings analyses mean you can fine-tune your policies, create robust audit-defense analysis, and prepare TP documentation.

We’ve also created a full document management system to help with base erosion and profit shifting BEPS and country-by-country (CbC) reporting requirements.

Sales and marketing

Use the Orbis database to engage in strategic business development and customer relationship management (CRM) enrichment. Orbis can help you resolve existing data issues by highlighting duplicate records and companies that are no longer in business. We can also help you harmonize different datasets across your business, and add data, like activity codes, company size, company growth, corporate group details and financial strength metrics that will help your salespeople to sell more effectively.

Master data management

Orbis’ global company reference data, encompassing firmographics, company size metrics, and corporate hierarchies, along with our unique proprietary data types, caters to an enterprise's functional and analytical requirements.

With industry-leading coverage of over 489 million entities, our company reference data promotes enterprise-wide interoperability, and is available via a wide range of data integration options and applications to ensure seamless delivery to virtually any third-party or in-house data management system.

Corporate finance

Orbis lets you analyze individual companies in detail and compare companies against each other. You can build specific searches to help you find potential target companies.

You also get exceptional coverage of deals and rumors with our M&A database, Orbis M&A, which is directly integrated into the Orbis database.

Compliance and financial crime

Moody’s Orbis database gives you access to information on hundreds of millions of private companies across the world. Use Orbis in your Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Know Your Customer (KYC), Client Due Diligence (CDD), and Enhanced Due Diligence processes.

Automate company checks for swift onboarding, comprehensive due diligence, and perpetual risk monitoring. And integrate Orbis’ award-winning data into Moody’s full suite of anti-financial crime solutions to achieve compliance, understand risk, and make decisions with confidence about who you work with.

Supplier risk

We capture and treat private company information for better decision making and increased efficiency. We bring your supplier data ‘to life’ by enriching it with our content, and presenting it in simple dashboards, so you can interpret it quickly and work more efficiently.

Credit risk

Orbis helps you do fast company financial checks and in-depth analyses. Use its unique financial strength data and comparable, detailed financial reports to do credit assessments across multiple countries. And it can also be integrated with your own risk systems.

Cyber risk

Use Cyber Risk Ratings by Bitsight in Orbis to understand the level of cybersecurity risk posed by your key third parties. With ratings on over 6 million entities within Orbis, Bitsight's cybersecurity ratings provide a concise summary of an organization’s cybersecurity performance, with security incident history—covering over seven years.

By using these analytics to understand and mitigate the cybersecurity risk posed by third parties, you can help protect your organization from significant financial, legal, operational, and reputational consequences.

Tax and transfer pricing

Orbis combines company data with transfer pricing (TP) functionality, so you can plan, set policies, and manage risk. You can also document your compliance procedures to help with the full TP analysis process.

Our feasibility and savings analyses mean you can fine-tune your policies, create robust audit-defense analysis, and prepare TP documentation.

We’ve also created a full document management system to help with base erosion and profit shifting BEPS and country-by-country (CbC) reporting requirements.

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The Power of Orbis

01 Compare companies wherever they are

Compare companies wherever they are

Our reports are in standardized formats to accommodate regional variations in filing regulations and accountancy practices so you can search and compare company information across borders.

With Orbis’s standardized formats, you can search for information on companies across regions and countries—using the same criteria. Possible search criteria you can use include actual financials, growth rates, and estimates. Also, Orbis lets you use a single activity code when you search globally, because we’ve mapped international and local industry codes.

02 Corporate structures and hierarchies

Corporate structures and hierarchies

We are masters of corporate ownership and the go-to resource for beneficial ownership. Our data includes 1.9bn ownership links, 1.7bn historic ownership links, and 218m active ownership links.

Our corporate trees reveal the ownership of your potential and existing business partners and third-party associates, including the beneficial owners. You can also review their corporate group as a whole and screen it for adverse news as well as PEPs and sanctions with additional modules in our solution suite.

Sanctions screening

Identifying companies that are sanctioned is one challenge. But how do you identify companies that are sanctioned because they are remotely linked to sanctioned companies or individuals?

We call these companies "sanctioned by extension". They’re not on any sanctions list, but you could still be fined for trading with them in certain jurisdictions. It’s a big challenge. So how do you identify them, continue to monitor the situation, and avoid breaching regulations?

03 Financial strength metrics

Financial strength metrics

Use Orbis’s financial models to work with our standardized company reports, to gain transparent, independent views and predictive indicators of a company’s financial strength. With these financial strength metrics, you’ll be able to assess companies more quickly and with greater certainty. They’ll also help you benchmark your own models.

Additionally, Orbis offers you access to modelled projected financials for predictive analyses.

Boost your ability to assess companies’ financial strength, where financial information is not available, with Orbis’s qualitative scores. Qualitative scores are based on non-financial information, including:

  • The size and strength of shareholding companies and subsidiaries

  • A company’s management and number of directors

  • A company’s experience and structure, such as years in business, number of employees, and capital and legal form

04 Information from more than 170 providers

Information from more than 170 providers

To make sure that Orbis’s data is as comprehensive, wide-ranging, and as detailed as possible, we collect data from more than 170 providers, as well as hundreds of our own sources, around the world.

And, after carefully capturing this wide variety of information, we treat, append, and standardize it to make it richer, more powerful, and easier for you to interrogate.

Our approach includes:

  • Linking data sources

  • Standardizing financials

  • Cross referencing industry codes

  • Applying standardized classifications, terms, and names

  • Offering comparable, reactive financial strength metrics

  • Applying quality control and data governance

05 Seamless user experience

Seamless user experience

Whether you prefer to pull data yourself, via our Orbis web interface, through our Catalysts, APIs or industry connectors, or prefer to have it pushed to your existing infrastructure via our bulk feed, cloud, or real-time delivery, we have many ways to connect. We also deliver data through our extensive global partnership network.

06 The richest, most reliable private company data

The richest, most reliable private company data

Even though varying legal filing obligations make it a challenge to capture private company information, more than 99% of the companies Orbis covers are private. We are committed to capturing, treating, and delivering the highest quality private company information available. In cases where full financial information is not available, Orbis still provides a financial strength indicator.

Compare companies wherever they are

Our reports are in standardized formats to accommodate regional variations in filing regulations and accountancy practices so you can search and compare company information across borders.

With Orbis’s standardized formats, you can search for information on companies across regions and countries—using the same criteria. Possible search criteria you can use include actual financials, growth rates, and estimates. Also, Orbis lets you use a single activity code when you search globally, because we’ve mapped international and local industry codes.

Corporate structures and hierarchies

We are masters of corporate ownership and the go-to resource for beneficial ownership. Our data includes 1.9bn ownership links, 1.7bn historic ownership links, and 218m active ownership links.

Our corporate trees reveal the ownership of your potential and existing business partners and third-party associates, including the beneficial owners. You can also review their corporate group as a whole and screen it for adverse news as well as PEPs and sanctions with additional modules in our solution suite.

Sanctions screening

Identifying companies that are sanctioned is one challenge. But how do you identify companies that are sanctioned because they are remotely linked to sanctioned companies or individuals?

We call these companies "sanctioned by extension". They’re not on any sanctions list, but you could still be fined for trading with them in certain jurisdictions. It’s a big challenge. So how do you identify them, continue to monitor the situation, and avoid breaching regulations?

Financial strength metrics

Use Orbis’s financial models to work with our standardized company reports, to gain transparent, independent views and predictive indicators of a company’s financial strength. With these financial strength metrics, you’ll be able to assess companies more quickly and with greater certainty. They’ll also help you benchmark your own models.

Additionally, Orbis offers you access to modelled projected financials for predictive analyses.

Boost your ability to assess companies’ financial strength, where financial information is not available, with Orbis’s qualitative scores. Qualitative scores are based on non-financial information, including:

  • The size and strength of shareholding companies and subsidiaries

  • A company’s management and number of directors

  • A company’s experience and structure, such as years in business, number of employees, and capital and legal form

Information from more than 170 providers

To make sure that Orbis’s data is as comprehensive, wide-ranging, and as detailed as possible, we collect data from more than 170 providers, as well as hundreds of our own sources, around the world.

And, after carefully capturing this wide variety of information, we treat, append, and standardize it to make it richer, more powerful, and easier for you to interrogate.

Our approach includes:

  • Linking data sources

  • Standardizing financials

  • Cross referencing industry codes

  • Applying standardized classifications, terms, and names

  • Offering comparable, reactive financial strength metrics

  • Applying quality control and data governance

Seamless user experience

Whether you prefer to pull data yourself, via our Orbis web interface, through our Catalysts, APIs or industry connectors, or prefer to have it pushed to your existing infrastructure via our bulk feed, cloud, or real-time delivery, we have many ways to connect. We also deliver data through our extensive global partnership network.

The richest, most reliable private company data

Even though varying legal filing obligations make it a challenge to capture private company information, more than 99% of the companies Orbis covers are private. We are committed to capturing, treating, and delivering the highest quality private company information available. In cases where full financial information is not available, Orbis still provides a financial strength indicator.

Powerful functionality and data visualization tools

Access to multiple Moody's proprietary data types

Access to multiple Moody's proprietary data types

100s of search criteria so you can find companies with very procise profiles

100s of search criteria so you can find companies with very procise profiles

Ownership explorer

Ownership explorer

Powerful flexible data change and news alerts for monitoring

Powerful flexible data change and news alerts for monitoring

Heat maps and graphs

Heat maps and graphs

Pivot analyses

Pivot analyses

Add-ins populate Microsoft Office templates with live data from Orbis

Add-ins populate Microsoft Office templates with live data from Orbis

Flexible report ordering

Flexible report ordering

Learning zone and training videos

Learning zone and training videos

News and views

Enriching your master data with mergers and acquisition (M&A) data

Robust information on M&A deals, including deal value, transaction details, parties involved, and the rationale behind the transactions, can enrich your master data beyond that typical starting point, and help you to maintain a more complete, trusted ‘golden record'.

  • Company reference data
Decoding cyber risk

With the frequency and financial cost of cyber-attacks rising, is your organization set up to address cyber risk?

  • Company reference data
Navigating the challenges of accessing ESG data for P&C insurers

P&C insurers are increasingly recognizing the importance of corporate sustainability and the role that environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors can play when identifying and managing risk to make more informed decisions.

  • Company reference data
Data decay and its impact: The importance of regular data maintenance

Data decay is the gradual deterioration of data quality over time. Failing to update data regularly can have significant consequences for businesses, including targeting the wrong contacts, making decisions based on outdated information, and exposing the organization to unnecessary risks.

  • Company reference data
The role of data governance in master data management

Data governance plays a crucial role in master data management (MDM) as it ensures the accuracy, consistency, integrity, and security of an organization's master data.

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