KYC regulations managed with automation

Passfort Lifecycle

Reduce manual compliance work with digital KYC processes delivered through Passfort Lifecycle. Rapidly onboard new customers then manage risk and compliance throughout the customer lifecycle.

Create digital KYC and AML workflows based on your risk policies. Automate tasks and move the weight of activity onto the risk engine and away from your team.

Speed up manual processes or remedial tasks that can (and should) be automated and bring in compliance professionals where they add value for analysis, judgment, and decision-making.

Integrate automated KYC checks from leading data sources. Enable teams to collaborate in a secure case management tool. Escalate issues, generate performance reports, and make better risk-based decisions about who you work with.

Download the brochure

Click below to download the Passfort Lifecycle brochure. Find out more information on our SaaS regtech solution that can help you stop financial criminals, not good customers.

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Access globally

End-to-end customer onboarding and perpetual KYC anywhere in the world

  • Automate risk and compliance workflows
  • Integrate global data checks
  • Build dynamic risk profiling
  • Collaborate on cases and communicate with customers
  • Get analytics for continuous improvement
  • Reduce onboarding times

The five parts of Passfort Lifecycle

Key features

Automate your compliance policies for any jurisdiction, product, or customer type. Passfort Lifecycle is a SaaS product, using one simple API that can be integrated into Moody’s data sources and your existing back office systems. The product has five parts:

Summary of our key features

What Passfort Lifecycle has to offer your business

Tailor your unique workflow of automated compliance checks with our low-to-no-code smart policy builder. Map processes using a simple flowchart structure with drag-and-drop functionality. Build an entire customer journey in line with your risk policy.

The magic of smart policies is you can update, edit, and change them whenever you like. Test and learn what works best. Try variations to understand what drives the best results for you and your customers.

Professionals are important in a compliance process, so you can introduce manual reviews at any stage. Bring people into your compliance process where they add value for analysis, judgement, and making risk-based decisions.

  • Get a flexible, tailored compliance workflow
  • Maximize straight-through processing
  • Bring people in where they add value
  • Drive operational efficiency

Configure your instance of Passfort Lifecycle around your firm’s risk appetite. Create a risk profile for each customer or account. Then make decisions about onboarding or off-boarding based on a customer’s risk profile. Move the weight of activity to the automated risk engine.

The risk engine gives you ultimate flexibility. Factor in regulation for different jurisdictions; multiple products; or different customer types. Combine datasets to define your low, medium, and high-risk profiles, then change these definitions when you need.

Dynamic profiling means you can trigger custom workflows based on a customer’s risk score. Create paths for low, medium, and high-risk customers. And go from straight-through processing to enhanced due diligence (EDD) to off-boarding.

You also define time frames and cycles for ongoing monitoring or renewal checks, or you can take a perpetual KYC approach.

  • Automate risk-profiling
  • Make risk-based decisions about customers
  • Onboard, EDD, or off-board in line with the data
  • Set renewal checks for monitoring or choose perpetual KYC 

The portal is a compliance team’s command center for case management. Log in to the portal anywhere, anytime to manage all aspects of onboarding and risk monitoring. Teams handle manual tasks, escalate issues, communicate with each other and with customers in the portal.

Profiles are created, stored and refreshed here. Users can see the results of workflows and understand what tasks they need to perform. Get live notifications and real-time risk updates for perpetual KYC.

Access instant audit reports for managers, stakeholders, or regulators. And get insight into the performance of your compliance processes. Keep improving with key metrics on approval rates, time-to-decision, and risk distribution.

  • Cloud-based portal accessible anywhere
  • Full case management capability
  • Communicate with colleagues and customers
  • Audit and performance reporting

Access reliable and accurate data to complete the automated checks in your workflows. Passfort Lifecycle offers pre-built integrations with Kompany, Orbis, Grid, ESG, EDF-X, Bitsight cyber risk ratings, as well as 25+ leading global data providers. Orchestrate your combination of checks and create your own compliance data ecosystem.

Introduce new data providers or swap out existing ones whenever you need.

Embed Passfort Lifecycle into your back-office systems using our webhooks. Establish a single view of customer data that is consistent and that you can trust.


  • Add or swap out data providers
  • Manage and maintain one API

Talk to your customers and collect information directly via Passfort Lifecycle. We have custom forms that can be used to send requests and capture missing or additional data. With customer documents assigned to profiles and forms dynamically interacting with Smart Policies, you cut down onboarding times - making the process easier for everyone.

  • Collect information from the customer directly in Passfort Lifecycle
  • Dynamic integration within your Smart Policy
  • Capture missing or additional information
  • Reduce onboarding times

The Passfort Lifecycle process

A risk-based approach to compliance

1. Acquire

Collect customer information required to acquire the product.

2. Onboard

Assess risk, execute due diligence and decide.

3. Monitor

Monitoring of customer data and transactions.

PassFort Lifecycle process

4. Review

Reassess risk, implement new policies.

5. Refresh

Remediate data gaps (lack of/expiry), decide.

6. Offboard

Perform tasks to terminate the customer lifecycle.

What our customers say

Five star reviews

"Paid would recommend Passfort to other customers thinking about a compliance solution. And thinking about not just the raw data of compliance, but a risk management platform - someone who you can work with as you scale your business up."


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