Intelligent KYC verification


Protect your business from association with financial crime by harnessing the power of Review. This product uses the power of artificial intelligence to complete KYC verification.

Integrate Review’s comprehensive, flexible, and precise 3rd party screening into your compliance processes. Monitor results related to individuals and entities according to your risk profiles and appetite to make fast, reliable decisions on who you should do business with.

Download the brochure

Click below to download the Review brochure. Find out more information on how to better protect your business using Review, our powerful, comprehensive and flexible screening and monitoring tool.

Protecting your business

How Review works

  • Review combines data, technology and people-power for precise results and a significant reduction in false positives
  • The solution is powered by our comprehensive database of risk profiles and events - Grid
  • Check entities against millions of profiles in the Grid database which accurately flags matches
  • Screening results are customized according to the categories of risk, offense stages, and risk age relevant to your organization

The benefits of Review

Key features

Imagine a future where up to 80% of level 1 investigation and triage happens instantly, accurately, and consistently - while never taking a moment off. That’s available with Review today.

We’ve been removing false positives for tier 1 banking customers at scale since the late 2000s. Using 15 years of analyst decision data curated through our Analyst Review product, we are uniquely positioned to deliver this next-generation screening.

Where other solutions have AI algorithms that need your data to learn and become productive, Review is ready to go leveraging a global model from day one. Customers can use this “as-is" or choose to fine-tune it to mimic their own analysts within a fraction of the time it takes to normally train an AI model.

And, if you want Review to become more specific to your decision-making process, it can be trained in less than 4 weeks.

With Review, matches are assigned a probability score that predicts what decision a KYC analyst would make. You can set thresholds that mean below a certain probability the system will auto-discard the match, but above a certain probability the match will be auto-escalated to a more senior analyst.

Ongoing monitoring processes can be time consuming and cost intensive. That’s frustrating for compliance teams and customers. Portfolio monitoring means review processes can be retired, as daily monitoring is automated for any inquiry. You can benefit from a perpetual KYC approach.

If you onboard a “good” customer or supplier today, but tomorrow, next week, next month or next year they become a risk, Review alerts you of that risk entering Moody’s Grid database.

Review is available with Passfort Lifecycle and Compliance Catalyst right out of the box. You can integrate these powerful solutions to solve any compliance challenges and make the best decisions about your customers and suppliers based on real and always-on risk insights.

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