The rising tide of third-party risk management


The rising tide of third-party risk management: Surfacing risks to safeguard reputations

Moody’s Analytics recently carried out primary research with a number of global corporations to delve into their processes and priorities for third-party risk management. 

Specifically, we wanted to find out:

  • What is people’s understanding and awareness of TPRM?
  • How do they approach TPRM and supplier due diligence today?
  • What are the challenges companies face when onboarding and managing suppliers?  
  • What does best practice look like and what steps are taken to mitigate risk?
  • What are corporate customers’ attitudes towards TPRM, openness towards solutions, and perceptions of the benefits of improved monitoring?

Get your copy of our new report, The rising tide of third-party risk management: Surfacing risks to safeguard reputations.