Compliance and third-party risk management

Thought leadership

Moody's stands at the forefront of thought leadership in know your customer (KYC) practices, compliance, and third-party risk management.

We’re dedicated to providing original perspectives through our industry expertise and innovative research to offer you fresh insights. By shedding light on anti-financial crime strategies, risk management techniques, and compliance measures, we want to help understand and solve problems now, while preparing for the future.

Our choice of topics is designed to provoke thinking about complex risk and compliance challenges, offering new angles and practical solutions. We're committed to driving the conversation forward, with the aim of fostering an innovative and responsive approach to a changing risk and compliance landscape.

We hope you enjoy engaging with our content, and if it raises questions or gives you pause for thought, please get in touch – we’d love to hear from you.

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Continuation of colleagues clapping
Continuation of colleagues clapping

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