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Moody’s Talks: KYC Decoded

Season 1 Episode 58
June 21, 2024

Intelligent screening: How machine learning is changing the game

The art and science of screening in the KYC and AML world has certainly come a long way from the days of manually checking for names and organizations against a short list. Risk factors have evolved exponentially, increasing regulations have influenced risk appetites, and powerful technologies like Machine Learning (ML) and Generative AI (GenAI) have caught on like wildfire.  In this episode of KYC Decoded, in-house experts Mike Xu, Data Strategy Director, and Victor Cotillon, Risk & Screening Product Strategist, provide valuable insights into the role of Machine Learning when screening. Highlights of their conversation with host, Alex Pillow, include: what screening means and why it is performed by KYC and AML practitioners the concept of ‘fuzzy matching'; how technologies help weed out false positives when name matching; pros and cons of integrating ML into an intelligent screening process; keep human’s in the loop when using more sophisticated ML.
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Season 1 Episode 57
June 6, 2024

A compliance evolution: Empowering business expansion

Anti-financial crime (AFC) departments can get labeled as the team that says “no” - seen as preventing innovation from reaching customers. But, this line of thinking overlooks the immense value AFC teams can bring in the product development process. How can AML and compliance professionals break through the stereotype to become more influential partners in business growth? In this episode of KYC Decoded, AML professional Erika Postel, passionately shares her expertise when it comes to thriving at the intersection of business expansion, compliance, and customer experience. Her conversation with host, Alex Pillow, addresses questions such as: when should AML and compliance teams brought into a project? How to juggle multiple jurisdictions and/or multiple product launches simultaneously? How can teams proactively work with regulatory bodies? How can AML departments best support business expansion with ever increasing digitization?
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Season 1 Episode 56
May 24, 2024

Luxuries and larceny: ‘Following the goods’ for AML prevention

Fancy cars. Diamond-covered watches. Luxury vacations at 5-star resorts. These are some of the many high-ticket purchases money launderers might illegally make to disguise the origins of their wealth. So, what actions can be taken to fight this nefarious activity? How can businesses and consumers avoid complicity and prevent financial crime in the luxury goods' space? We are thrilled to welcome back esteemed guest and expert, Jessica Cath, Head of Financial Crime at Thistle Initiatives. Her dynamic and engaging conversation with host, Alex Pillow, dives into questions like: what constitutes a luxury good? What are the three stages of money laundering? What role do secondary markets play in luxury goods' money laundering? What risk-based measures can businesses take to protect their reputations and meet regulatory obligations? How can individual consumers make more responsible purchasing decisions to avoid unintentionally abetting financial criminal?
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Season 1 Episode 55
May 10, 2024

Open banking: A revolution or evolution for KYC?

Open finance, API banking, Payment Services Directive (PSD2)...the concept of open banking can be called many things. But how exactly is this technology changing the world for risk and compliance professionals today and what potential does it have to mold the profession going forward? Join us for another episode of KYC Decoded as we welcome Alessio Balduini, CEO and founder of Credit Data Research, and Francis Marinier, former banking compliance officer and now Moody’s KYC Industry Practice Lead, who together unpack the topic of open banking and its implications for the financial industry. Key questions explored include: what is open banking and how long has it been around? What opportunities does open banking provide for risk and compliance professionals? What does adoption of open banking look like? Are there any potential risks associated with open banking? How might bad actors respond to the rise of open banking?
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Season 1 Episode 54
April 26, 2024

Decrypting Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs)

What if your anti-financial crime program could build investigation models using sensitive data you may not have direct access to – in a totally compliant way? In this episode, we learn from Privacy Enhancing Technology (PET) expert, Michael Hughes, Chief Business Offer at Duality Technologies, about the potential PETs have to change the game of KYC. Follow along as Michael and host, Alex Pillow, discuss all things PETs, exploring topics like: the value PETs could bring to the world of AFC; privacy rights of an individual vs. useful data for institutions; various PET use cases; how regulatory bodies feel about the rise of PETs; and industry sectors that have become early adopters of PETs (the answer may surprise you).
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Season 1 Episode 53
April 12, 2024

For good or for evil: Tech’s role in the world of financial crime

It is safe to say technology has done wonders when it comes to AML professionals tackling financial crime, but, on the flip side, it is important to understand how technology is being used by those committing the crimes. From video game online marketplaces to virtual currency mixers, how can we follow the money when tech is used to cover its tracks? In this episode of KYC Decoded, we welcome back esteemed guest, Geoff White, investigative journalist and author of the upcoming book, Rinsed: From Cartels to Crypto: How the Tech Industry Washes Money for the World’s Deadliest Crooks. Get an inside look at some of the crimes that are featured in Rinsed, and listen as Geoff and host, Alex Pillow, explore questions like: how has the digitization of currency impacted the way criminals launder money? Is there a future where crypto can be crime-free? What role does social media play for bad actors? Should technology companies be held accountable for how money launderers use them? Rinsed is available for preorder and will be published on June 13, 2024.
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Season 1 Episode 52
March 22, 2024

What will disrupt KYC?

Change is essential to survive and thrive in any enterprise. As we narrow in on the world of AML and KYC, the adaptation of sophisticated criminals is evident, so the question arises: what disruptions are needed to outsmart these bad actors? In this episode of KYC Decoded, Head of Strategy & Content at Sardine, Simon Taylor, lends us his astute and perceptive expertise as we explore this questions further. You won’t want to miss this energetic and educational conversation with host, Alex Pillow. Their wide-ranging discussion covers topics like: the different areas of KYC and AML that have the greatest opportunities for disruption; the role of advancing technologies and how they might be used in particular use cases; and how change could impact industry professionals.
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Season 1 Episode 51
February 22, 2024

Today's global sanctions environment: What's new in Russian sanctions?

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 set off a series of global sanctions enforcement actions. The United States Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has meted out sanctions to curb Russia’s defense procurement, energy weaponization, and international trade activity. To date, the EU has also imposed 12 sanctions packages on restrictive measures – with the 13th to be formally approved in February. In this episode, we speak with Dr. Andrea Viski, founder and director of the Strategic Trade Research Institute and editor-in-chief of the Strategic Trade Review, on how the global sanctions environment has changed since the invasion, and where the biggest risks in sanctions-related financial crime lie. This conversation covers topics including: the impact of sanctions packages on Russia’s economy – where the sanctions have been effective in disconnecting Russia from global trade and economic activity; how the global sanctions environment has changed since the invasion; new challenges KYC and AML professionals now face, and how they can mitigate sanctions-related risks; and the latest sanctions evasion trends and red flags.
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Season 1 Episode 50
February 16, 2024

Pros, cons, and predictions: Which European city will be the new home for the AMLA?

The creation of the AMLA, the authority on money laundering in the European Union, is imminently upon us. And the critical question compliance professionals are wondering is: where will it live? Choosing an EU city to be the representative of 26 different cultures most certainly has needed careful thought and planning. The official location choice is set to be announced February 22, 2024, in the meantime we check in with Francis Marinier, Moody’s Analytics Financial Crime and Compliance Industry Practice Lead, to discuss his predictions. Follow along to hear more about: what the AMLA is and why it was formed; why cities would want to be home to the AMLA; what the European Parliament must consider when selecting a location; and the pros and cons of potential host cities such as Frankfurt, Madrid, Paris, and Dublin.
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Season 1 Episode 49
February 9, 2024

Revisiting the US Corporate Transparency Act: Where are we now?

Much has changed since we last visited the US Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) in March of 2023 on KYC Decoded. Now that FinCEN has officially rolled out its beneficial ownership database, what is the lay of the land for risk and compliance professionals? In this episode, we welcome back Jim Richards, former BSA officer, author, speaker, and CEO of RegTech Consulting to share his thoughts on where we are now, where there is room for improvement, and just how useful this database will be when combatting financial crime. Key highlights of this educational discussion include: Jim’s time testifying before US congress in June of 2023; the current limitations around access to the database; the types of organizations that are exempt from the database; the level of threat the database poses – or doesn’t pose – to financial criminals in both the short term and longer term; and suggestions on how FinCEN should move forward.
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Season 1 Episode 48
February 2, 2024

Risky business? The indicators of shell company risk

There are plenty of shell companies formed for legitimate reasons. However, as recently uncovered in a major case in Singapore where 3 billion SGD of assets were frozen, shell companies can also be used for more nefarious purposes. This risk is not always easy to spot, especially when relying on manual, time-invasive processes. In this episode KYC Decoded, host Alex Pillow welcomes Moody’s Analytics Product Manager, Kate Weymouth, and Head of the Financial Crime Practice Group for APAC and the Middle East, Choon Hong Chua. Their dynamic and educational conversation around shell companies and their risks includes: legitimate reasons for shell companies vs. illegitimate reasons; the seven primary indicators of shell company risk; a deeper look into the recent Singapore shell company scam; and how Moody’s Shell Company Indicator automates traditionally manual and time consuming processes with powerful data.
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Season 1 Episode 47
January 11, 2024

Human trafficking: A call to arms for anti-financial crime and risk professionals

Every year, on January 11, the US recognizes National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Human trafficking – currently a $150 billion industry – continues to be a pervasive threat around the globe, with criminals profiting from the enslavement of other people. This brings us to the obvious question: what can anti-financial crime and risk professionals do to make this world a safer place and help put an end to this abhorrent practice? In this episode, we delve into this pressing issue with experts: Christopher Kemp, Director of Enterprise Operations at the Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Initiative; Chris Bagnall, Solutions Director at Quantexa; and Karim Rajwani, Head of Product at Sigma360. Their conversation sheds an important light on dealing with this crime, focusing on: the primary forms of human trafficking; the staggering scale of the problem; strategies and solutions to stop it; the role of data and technology in empowering professionals to dismantle trafficking networks; and immediate, actionable steps we can implement to make a difference.
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Season 1 Episode 46
January 5, 2024

Thinking outside the (check)box: The role of the BSA Officer/MLRO

"Fighting financial crime" has long been a rallying cry within the AML profession, but could this way of thinking actually be doing us all a disservice? While an admirable goal for any compliance risk management program, it may actually be too limiting and overlook how the BSA Officer/MLRO role can also drive business strategy and growth. In this episode of KYC Decoded, host Alex Pillow welcomes Vic Maculaitis, 3-time board-appointed BSA officer and founder of i3strategies, a consultancy that works to modernize the financial crime risk and compliance ecosystem. This provocative and candid conversation explores: the primary responsibility of a BSA officer; outcomes over checkboxes; compensation for compliance officers; and how generative AI plays into the future of the industry.
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Season 1 Episode 45
December 22, 2023

KYC origins stories, chapter 5 – KYC unit: The making of a compliance giant

Our KYC origin series has traced the journeys of our diverse acquisitions, each of which has grown into a vital part of our KYC ecosystem. But how have these distinct entities been integrated to operate as one? In the grand finale of our KYC origin series, host Alex Pillow engages with Keith Berry, the KYC General Manager at Moody’s Analytics. They explore the expansion of the KYC unit, examining its evolution to become an industry-leading solution provider that has transformed risk and compliance. They cover: the rationale for KYC and its inception; the challenge of aligning to one mission and vision; the ‘secret sauce’ of Moody’s Analytics KYC; transformational changes advancing the business; the role of AI and machine learning in our product suite; and the future for KYC.
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Season 1 Episode 44
December 15, 2023

KYC origin stories, chapter 4 – Orbis: The powerhouse of global business intelligence

With information on more than 472+ million entities worldwide, Orbis has become the most powerful comparable data resource on private companies. But the question isn't what happened, it's HOW? In this episode of our KYC origin series, host Alex Pillow is joined by Bureau van Dijk and and Orbis veterans, Jon Hanmer and Ted Datta who discuss the evolution of this industry-defining database and how it became an indispensable tool for understanding the global corporate landscape. Highlights from this episode include: the journey and growth of Bureau van Dijk the business; answering the "so what?" through the integration of data and insight; drivers stimulating the huge growth in Orbis for KYC and compliance use cases; the importance of UBO to Orbis customers; infusing Orbis into the Moody’s Analytics family; and the future of Orbis for KYC within Moody and it's impact on tools such as Shell Company Indicator and Entity Verification API.
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Season 1 Episode 43
November 30, 2023

Reflecting on the ECJ’s ruling on access to beneficial ownership information - one year on

In November 2022, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) sparked a seismic shift in the regulatory landscape with its ruling that the public should not have access to beneficial ownership registries. Join us as we delve into the ripple effects of this ruling with our guests, Maíra Martini, research and policy expert on corrupt money flows at Transparency International, and Andres Knobel, lawyer and senior researcher at the Tax Justice Network, along with host, Alex Pillow. This conversation sheds light on: why the ruling may have came about; the impacts the decision had on financial crime fighters and the bad actors they pursue; and how companies and KYC professionals can navigate through this new reality.
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Season 1 Episode 42
November 17, 2023

Removing bias from KYC: The AI advantage

We’ve all heard rumblings about the potential bias-related risks AI can bring when models aren't properly trained or governed with plentiful, high-quality data. But, how many of us have paused to consider flipping this paradigm? Could our own bias on the subject of AI cause us to overlook how consciously-infused AI technologies could remove dangerous biases from our KYC and AML processes? In this thought-provoking conversation, host Alex Pillow discusses the topic with AI and ethics expert, Anna Nicolis, senior manager at Braithwate, who specializes in helping global institutions with risk and compliance challenges. Highlights of this episode include: a look at what the word “bias” really means; the root causes of bias in society and within AI technologies; where AI has potential to help eliminate bias in the compliance lifecycle; and the role humans and data play in governing AI models.
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Season 1 Episode 41
October 27, 2023

Navigating the AI landscape: insights from compliance and risk management leaders

The rapid evolution and adoption of AI technologies raises questions about how it's perceived and used by professionals working in compliance and risk management. In this episode, we explore the findings from a fascinating original global study, conducted by Moody’s Analytics, that uncovers how compliance and risk management professionals see the role of AI in all its forms. Listen along as host, Alex Pillow, and Paul Nola, Partner at Context Consulting, dissect the findings and discuss the implications of those navigating the AI landscape in the world of risk and compliance. Highlights from the episode include: the origins of the study; the importance of AI for compliance professional; significant and surprising findings; the advantages and risks of using AI in compliance; and the challenges of AI regulation.
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Season 1 Episode 40
October 20, 2023

Tapping into AML in the legal sector

In a world of tight deadlines, diverse client needs, and ever-changing regulations across jurisdictions, law firms everywhere face countless challenges to stay compliant. That's why we are thrilled to be joined by Maire-Claire Le Houerou, Client Experience Director for Risk and Compliance at the software company Intapp, and Alex Young, Senior Principal Consultant at Intapp in this episode of KYC Decoded. Their deep expertise and vibrant energy on this topic make for a compelling conversation. Here's of what was explored in this episode: How are AML checks conducted when onboarding legal clients? Does generative AI have a role now and in the future to shape compliance programs in the legal industry? What qualities and best practices in a law firm’s culture drive AML forward? What are some of the benefits of high-quality data management software?
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Season 1 Episode 39
October 6, 2023

Feel the burn: Why compliance professionals are struggling with burnout

Feeling stressed in the workplace is a shared experience for employees in many industries. And while it's normal for jobs to involve stress, concerns about employee burnout occur when stress is persistent and begins to affect the individual at a professional, personal, physical, and/or emotional level. In this episode of KYC Decoded, we focus on the factors that lead to burnout in the compliance profession. What is burnout? What leads to compliance employee burnout? What can leaders do to address the issue? Host Alex Pillow is joined by Lisa Beth Lentini Walker, former compliance officer and current assistant general counsel of Marqeta and CEO and founder of Lumen Worldwide Endeavors, and Jill DeWitt, current Industry Practice Lead at Moody’s Analytics KYC. Their conversation raises awareness of this often overlooked problem in the compliance world.
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Season 1 Episode 38
September 22, 2023

KYC origin stories, chapter 3 - Passfort: From startup to global compliance solution

Every business has a unique story to share about its life-journey. In this third installment of our KYC Origin series, host Alex Pillow is joined by Henry Irish, co-founder of Passfort; and Alex Richter, Head of Passfort. Their discussion explores the SaaS RegTech solution that changed the way anti-financial crime and compliance processes were automated. Listen to find out about the inception of Passfort; adaptation of sophisticated, complex customer onboarding; how the service adds value; why Passfort's acquisition came about; achievements and opportunities for Passfort since acquisition; and the future of the platform.
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Season 1 Episode 37
September 8, 2023

KYC origin story chapter two: Real-time entity verification with Kompany

Curious how the Moody’s Analytics KYC solution originated? Don't miss the incorporation of Kompany into the Moody’s family. The strategic acquisition of Kompany has proven a win-win opportunity. From a business concept sketched on a tennis ball (yes, a tennis ball) to real-time entity verification from government registers across the globe merged with powerful datasets. In this episode, host Alex Pillow is joined by Johanna Konrad, former COO of Kompany, now heading this line at Moody’s Analytics KYC as Managing Director; and Peter Bainbridge-Clayton, co-founder and former CTO of Kompany, who is now Senior Director for software engineering in Moody’s Analytics KYC. This important chapter in the Moody’s Analytics journey highlights: the challenges of creating a scalable data solution when aggregating information from vastly differing jurisdictions; the not-so-simple task of entity verification; building a skilled team to tackle specialized needs; the added benefit of real-time data to keep up with rapidly evolving legislation; digitalizing onboarding processes; and how the powerful integration of Kompany can continue to propel Moody’s Analytics KYC solutions going forward.
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Season 1 Episode 36
August 23, 2023

A KYC origin story - Chapter one: Grid

The story of how Moody’s Analytics developed its KYC solution is one written by different authors. In our KYC Origins series, host Alex Pillow introduces different characters from strategic acquisitions to tell the tales of how their anti-financial crime and risk management businesses were founded, grew, and then joined the Moody's family. Chapter one: Grid. Rupert de Ruig, senior director at Moody’s Analytics KYC, narrates the events that led to formation of an industry consortium, which evolved into a solution that changed the way risk screening is implemented globally.
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Season 1 Episode 35
August 11, 2023

Let's talk about PEPs

Perhaps it goes without saying that customers of financial institutions who are politically exposed persons (PEPs) come with varying degrees of risk. In addition to their elevated political status, which can make them attractive targets for bribery and corruption, there’s also the subsequent institutional risk of reputational damage and fines from getting your dealings with PEPs wrong. Sometimes you might hear someone refer to needing some "PEP screening" as it if it's a simple process, but even the definition of what constitutes a PEP and the regulation surrounding it is far from one-size-fits-all. In this episode, we are very pleased to welcome PEP experts Colleen Dychdala, Head of PEP data and premium content for Moody’s Analytics KYC, along with Eric Almbladh, who built the preeminent PEP database for the Nordic region - Bogard, which was acquired by Moody’s in 2021. Their conversation with host, Alex Pillow, tackles the complexities of PEP risk management programs, including: the many nuances of what constitutes a PEP and its associated level of risk; the distinction between domestic and international PEPs; how the PEP landscape has evolved; where PEP risk mitigation programs go wrong; and how PEP screening can scale beyond initial customer onboarding.
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Season 1 Episode 34
July 28, 2023

How to spot a fraudster

Reflecting on a time you were deceived, did you ever pause first to ask yourself the most rudimentary question: does this make sense? Overlooking this question can lead to bad outcomes for consumers, businesses, and society alike. The art of deception is nothing new, and neither are the subsequent feelings of humiliation and fear victims are left with. Fighting financial crime takes on different forms across various departments, but in this episode of KYC Decoded, we focus on fraud prevention. Joining host Alex Pillow are fraud experts, Greg Richardson, Senior Director of Global Sales at NeuroID, and Kyle Caldwell, Senior Vice President of Fraud Product Management at M&T Bank. Their conversation covers: the many different guises of fraud; how fraudsters steal information; the impact fraud has on institutions, law enforcement, and practitioners; and the critical relationship between highly intelligent fraud specialists, quality data, and advanced technology when fighting sophisticated criminal networks.
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Season 1 Episode 33
July 14, 2023

Building networks to fight financial crime: The role of data sharing

As the desire to build an anti-financial crime network grows, the question arises: how can we get our hands on the most comprehensive and accurate data? When it comes to collaborative financial crime fighting and fraud prevention, the concept of data sharing may seem obvious on the surface. However, delicately balancing regulatory complexities and privacy concerns, can require shifting an entire compliance culture paradigm. In this episode of KYC Decoded, we are joined by experts Taavi Tamkivi, founder and CEO of regtech firm, Salv, and Sverker Tornhagen, Moody’s Analytics KYC Financial Crimes Industry Practice Lead. Listen along to a thought-provoking conversation highlighting topics including: risks vs. benefits of data sharing; the technology and infrastructure needed to support effective data sharing; how teams benefit from successful data sharing.
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Season 1 Episode 32
June 21, 2023

What’s wrong with AML?

The recipe for a successful anti-money laundering program is seemingly simple on paper. But, in practice, getting the right ingredients is not so easy. Without efficiency, modern tools and technology, and a compliance-friendly culture, the final dish is likely to disappoint. In this episode, host Alex Pillow welcomes Carl Kemmerer, Senior Product Manager at NICE Actimize. Carl brings a wealth of experience, having spent twenty years as an AML practitioner in international banking. This dynamic and comprehensive conversation includes Carl’s takes on how AML is going wrong today, including: inconsistent methods of measuring risk across different banks; the gap between AML expertise and AI expertise; the lack of holding bad actors accountable and bringing real incentives for those going above and beyond; and business cultures not prioritizing compliance across all departments.
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Season 1 Episode 31
June 2, 2023

Key insights from ACAMS Hollywood 2023

The ACAMS Hollywood 2023 conference was another success bringing industry professionals and practitioners together to discuss AML regulatory trends, emerging technologies, and more. In this episode, host Alex Pillow provides on-the-ground coverage capturing engaging conversations with Kieran Beer, Director of Editorial Content, Chief Analyst at ACAMS; Lukayn Hunsicker, Moody's Analytics KYC Head of New Product Innovation; Richard Graham, Moody's Analytics KYC Industry Practice Lead; Colleen Dychdala, Moody's Analytics KYC Head of Premium Content at Grid; and Modesto Rivero, Moody's Analytics KYC Senior Product Analyst. And, for the first time, Alex takes his turn in the hot seat as he shares his insights with host Jill DeWitt. Listen along for the inside scoop on conference topics, including: the growing role of sanctions in global affairs; upcoming regulations like the Corporate Transparency Act; the increasing importance of public-private partnerships in combatting financial crime; the friction between data privacy and AML goals; and challenges compliance departments face today.
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Season 1 Episode 30
May 3, 2023

AFC enforcement in the USA: 2022 retrospective

The steadfast enforcement of anti-financial crime regulations in the US often leads to severe financial consequences for offenders. Jill DeWitt, Moody’s KYC Industry Practice Lead for Financial Crime and Due Diligence in the Americas, profiled some US companies that were fined in 2022. While fines ranged from thousands to hundreds of millions of dollars, a few key themes emerged across the board. In this episode, Jill guides us through some observations, including: business growth vs. compliance growth; staffing and training complications; Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) filings and backlogs in CDD; screening issues; and general program failures.
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Season 1 Episode 29
April 20, 2023

Third-party risk management: control, culture, and competitive advantage

The supplier risk landscape for corporates today is shaped by sanctions, ESG commitments, and potential for reputational harm - which is just the start. But amid all this, there is competitive advantage to be found through optimized third-party risk management. No stranger to the topic is Vincent Scales, Director of Third-party Risk Management at Verizon and Chairman of the Board for the Third-party Risk Association. After participating in a primary research study conducted by Moody’s Analytics, Vincent joins this episode of KYC Decoded, bringing the findings of the research to life. Also joining is Enrico Aresu, Moody’s Analytics Compliance and Financial Crime Practice Lead for the DACH region and central eastern Europe.
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Season 1 Episode 28
April 5, 2023

Third-party risk management: knowing the right thing ≠ doing the right thing

Former international sales executive, Richard Bistrong, served time in a federal prison camp after being targeted in a US Department of Justice investigation of a UN supply contract. After fully cooperating, he now dedicates his life to raising awareness and educating companies on the risks of corruption. In this episode of KYC decoded, Richard and Bill Hauserman, Moody’s Analytics KYC head of the Financial Crime Compliance Practice for the Americas, talk about: how expertise, data, and technology should work together to push due diligence forward; the impact culture has when it comes to compliance strategies and mitigating risk; and the qualities required of professionals to maintain their integrity and deal with illicit actors.
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Season 1 Episode 27
March 23, 2023

The ABCs of CTA

The US Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is coming. It aims to create a national registry of beneficial ownership information. But what exactly does this mean? How will it change the fight against financial crime in the US and beyond? What hurdles need to be overcome? What questions are still unanswered? How can the public voice concerns? In this episode of KYC Decoded, Alex Pillow is joined by lawyer, AML practitioner, thought leader, and current founder and principal of RegTech Consulting, LLC, Jim Richards, and former practitioner and current Moody’s KYC Industry Practice Lead Jill DeWitt. Their conversation explores these questions, and more.
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Season 1 Episode 26
March 8, 2023

KYC Officer of the future

If you could look into a crystal ball, what do you think the future would hold for KYC and AML professionals? In this episode, Luke Raven, Senior AML Compliance Manager at Cabital, shares how he hopes this industry will continue to evolve into the next generation, including: changes to the compliance profession seen so far; the skillsets – and more importantly, attitudes – needed for success; and the role technology will increasingly play in effectiveness and efficiency.
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Season 1 Episode 25
February 23, 2023

One year on: Ukraine, Russia and a radically evolved sanctions ecosystem

One year on from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, so much has changed – particularly around sanctions. In this episode, host Alex Pillow is joined by Hera Smith, former Global Sanctions Compliance Officer, sanctions expert and Moody’s Analytics KYC Industry Practice Lead.
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Season 1 Episode 24
January 12, 2023

Effectiveness > Efficiency

AML effectiveness. AML efficiency. What do these words really mean and what difference do they really make in the fight against financial crime? In this episode of KYC Decoded, host Alex Pillow is joined by Natasha Vernier, co-founder and CEO of the regtech firm, Cable.
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Season 1 Episode 23
December 14, 2022

Investigative Journalism Miniseries Part 3: Fueling Actionable Intelligence

In the final installment of our investigative journalism miniseries, host Alex Pillow is joined by The Sentry’s Michelle Kendler-Kretsch, Investigative Coordinator and Data Specialist, and Debra LaPrevotte, Senior Investigator and former FBI supervisory special agent. Their engaging, dynamic conversation drives home how investigative journalism plays a critical role in the anti-financial crime ecosystem.
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Season 1 Episode 22
December 7, 2022

Investigative Journalism Miniseries Part 2: Crazy Rich Whale

Greed. Scandal. Fraud. Our investigative journalism miniseries continues with an epic true story of one of the biggest, most harrowing heists in history. This hair-raising episode welcomes Bradley Hope, one of the co-authors of Billion Dollar Whale: The Man Who Fooled Wall Street, Hollywood, and the World.
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Season 1 Episode 21
November 30, 2022

Investigative Journalism Miniseries Part 1: House of Cards

Multi-billion-dollar fraud. Fake bank accounts. Hackers. Spies. Whistleblowers. In this episode, Dan McCrum, Financial Times investigative reporter, brings to life his book Money Men: A Hot Startup, A Billion Dollar Fraud, A Fight for the Truth. This entry into our investigative journalism miniseries dissects the too-good-to-be-true German tech startup, Wirecard, and the role Dan played in exposing its darkest secrets.
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Sanctions update - bonus episode

Since our sanctions mini-series earlier this year, further packages of sanctions have been released. And most recently, the EU issued a set of FAQs on account openings and deposits. In this bonus episode of KYC Decoded, sanctions expert and Moody's Analytics industry practice lead, Ted Datta, makes a return appearance to shed light on what exactly is in those FAQs and what firms need to do next...
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Season 1 Episode 20
November 16, 2022

Know Your Tech. Know Your Experts. Know Your Potential.

The tables have turned. In this episode of KYC Decoded, our usual host Alex Pillow sits down as a guest with Jody Houton, UK Content Marketing Manager at IDnow, an identity proofing and fraud prevention platform.
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Season 1 Episode 19
November 2, 2022

Assessing Risk Assessment

In this episode of KYC Decoded, Alex Pillow is joined by founder at Arctic Intelligence, Anthony Quinn. Their discussion sheds light on the current state of risk assessment frameworks and practices that aren't necessarily keeping up with the rapidly accelerating rate of stricter regulations and heightened criminal activity.
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Bonus Episode: ACAMS Vegas 2022, in less than 22 minutes

Alex Pillow, host of the KYC Decoded podcast, caught up with Head of Financial Crime at Future Space, Annegret Funke, and journalist from Compliance Week, Aaron Nicodemus, to get their standout moments from ACAMS Vegas. Here are their thoughts on the things you need to know. • US Beneficial ownership: the registry is coming, what do you need to understand and how do you prepare? • Crypto exposure: every institution has exposure through their customers, so where is yours? • Encouraging innovation: regulators and law enforcement are actively fostering innovation in the industry and strengthening communication and collaboration. • Inclusivity in banking: bringing small and community banks into the financial crime fold to give criminals a smaller target. There’s much more, so listen to this bonus episode of KYC Decoded and unlock ACAMS Vegas ’22 in less than 22 minutes.
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Season 1 Episode 18
October 12, 2022

Community in AML: The FFE Story

This episode welcomes Jean-Paul Eaton, Global Community Director of FINTRAIL’s Fintech Fincrime Exchange (FFE), who takes listeners through the story of how FFE originated. What started as a small roundtable, FFE has now matured into a global community that shares information on how to detect and deal with financial crime. Listen along to learn more about FFE and FFECON, its annual conference for FinTechs and financial crime professionals to understand and share developments in the industry.
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Season 1 Episode 17
September 14, 2022

pKYC Miniseries: Part 3

In our pKYC series we have explored the concept of pKYC and the technologies behind it, but what is it like operationally to practice this modern process and yield positive outcomes? In this final installment of the pKYC series, Jessica Cath, Head of Financial Crime Project Delivery at FINTRAIL, discusses her unique experiences and perspectives as an active practitioner in compliance to answer this question.
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Season 1 Episode 16
September 7, 2022

pKYC Miniseries: Part 2

A large difference between traditional KYC and Perpetual KYC is the technological advancements that enhance the process to make it more efficient. In the second part of our pKYC series, Alex Pillow speaks with Delphine Masquelier, KYC Solution Manager at Quantexa, Alex Richter, Head of Customer Lifecycle Management at PassFort, and Henry Irish, Manager of Technology Strategy at Moody’s Analytics. Their discussion takes a closer look at the technologies needed for a successful Perpetual KYC program.
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Season 1 Episode 15
August 31, 2022

pKYC Miniseries: Part 1

Are the traditional methods of periodic review things of the past? A new approach called Perpetual KYC (pKYC), offers solutions to optimize the conventional process and make it more time efficient and less expensive, providing real-time risk mitigation. In the first part of our Perpetual KYC series, host Alex Pillow is joined by Chor Teh, Moody’s Analytics Financial Crime Compliance Industry Practice Lead, to explore the definition, understanding, and implementation of Perpetual KYC.
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Season 1 Episode 14
August 24, 2022

Book Club: The Betrayal

It is noble and important work when compliance professionals spend their days behind an office desk using sophisticated tools and processes to prevent financial crime. However, there’s another compelling story to be told about the difference one can make away from the office, deep within the trenches. This episode welcomes undercover agent and author, Robert Mazur, who has worked side-by-side with some of the world’s most notorious money launderers and drug traffickers. Be sure to grab your copy of Mazur’s latest book, The Betrayal, and listen along as he shares his experiences and the inspiration behind his work.
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Season 1 Episode 13
August 17, 2022

Crypto Miniseries: Part 3

Crypto may provide bad actors with yet another channel to launder funds, but could it also provide a unique set of opportunities for KYC and AML professionals to revolutionize their practices and manage risks in new ways? The third and final installment of our Crypto Series welcomes Niels Pedersen, Senior Lecturer of FinTech at The Manchester Metropolitan University, and Laurence Twelvetrees, a multiple time MLRO at crypto-focused businesses.
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Season 1 Episode 12
August 17, 2022

Crypto Miniseries: Part 2

Outsmarting criminals preying in the crypto space - no one said it was easy. How can KYC and AML systems work with law enforcement to tackle these opponents? Our crypto series continues with part two taking a deep dive into risk mitigation and law enforcement focused on crypto. In this episode, host Alex Pillow is joined by Craig Gleeson, Senior Office for the Crypto assets Money Laundering, Bribery & Corruption Threat Team for the UK’s National Economic Crime Centre in the NCA, and Tom Robinson, co-founder and Chief Scientist at blockchain analytics company, Elliptic.
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Season 1 Episode 11
August 17, 2022

Crypto Miniseries: Part 1

Like it or not, some of your global customers are likely to be engaging with cryptocurrency. Flashy media headlines highlighting the scandals related to the crypto space often create feelings of fear, anxiety, and confusion, which can muddle our understanding of the real risks associated with crypto. In the first episode of our 3-part cryptocurrency series, special guests Yana Afanasieva, Founder & CEO of Competitive Compliance and host of the podcast Compliance that Makes Sense, and Pierce Kearns, Financial Crime Consultant and cryptocurrency enthusiast, provide their takes on the perceived versus real risks related to crypto as well as the responsibility KYC professionals have to understand them.
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Bonus Episode: RegTech Research Report

How do Financial Institutions determine the right RegTech vendors for them? And how do RegTech providers establish a reputation that is built on trust? The RegTech industry poses unique challenges for buyers and sellers alike. In this special bonus episode, host Alex Pillow and guest Matt Neill, Managing Director and Co-founder of Beyond, take a closer look at Beyond’s recently published guide, Leveraging RegTech in Financial Crime Compliance Programmes.
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Season 1 Episode 10
June 23, 2022

Book Club: The Lazarus Heist

In a world where computer hacking has become increasingly more sophisticated, how does an organization ensure it does not find itself the next victim of a financial cybercrime attack? In this episode of Moody’s Talks: KYC Decoded, leading investigative journalist and author of the recently published book The Lazarus Heist, Geoff White, breaks down the events of the 2016 Bangladesh bank heist, commonly attributed to North Korea’s cyber unit, the Lazarus Group. Listen along for a riveting account of money laundering fueled by cybercrime, the devastating consequences such crimes can bring about for victims, and the systems and controls needed to combat it.
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Season 1 Episode 9
April 21, 2022

Sanctions Miniseries Part 4: Sanctions & Crypto

Could crypto actually be enabling sanctions evasion, or is this just grabbing headlines? In the final discussion of our Sanctions Miniseries, David Carlisle, VP of Policy and Regulatory affairs at blockchain and analytics company Elliptic, weighs up the validity of this question.
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Season 1 Episode 8
April 21, 2022

Sanctions Miniseries Part 3: Networks Defeat Networks

You may have looked data up and down and back again, but have you looked at it sideways? In Part 3 of our Sanctions Miniseries, host Alex Pillow is joined by KYC expert, Graham Barrow, host of The Dark Money Files podcast. Their discussion sheds light on the networks of those who are sanctioned and the risk indicators to look for.
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Season 1 Episode 7
April 21, 2022

Sanctions Miniseries Part 2: Going Beyond the Lists

In Part 2 of our Sanctions Miniseries, Andréas Hobbelin, Head of Anti-Money Laundering & Financial Crime Prevention at ZTL Payment Solutions, guides us beyond sanctions lists by sharing the importance of ownership and control in relation to sanctions. Without complete and accurate data, subsidiary networks are more difficult to detect, and mistakes become more likely for vendors and practitioners. This conversation highlights ways organizations can take a proactive approach to mitigating sanctions risk.
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Season 1 Episode 6
April 21, 2022

Sanctions Miniseries Part 1: The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has had a profound impact on the compliance, KYC, and supply chain industries as governments around the world have issued sanctions at a rapid pace. In this first installment of our Sanctions Miniseries, host Alex Pillow provides an overview of sanctions, the subsequent responsibilities organizations have for staying compliant – and the consequences for not.
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Season 1 Episode 5
April 8, 2022

AI & Transparent Boxes

Attitudes towards AI in the KYC and AML space are often riddled with disillusionment. It begs the question, are there ways to unlock the potential of AI technologies in a more productive way when combatting financial crime?
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Season 1 Episode 4
March 23, 2022

Entity Resolution + Data = ?

When it comes to analyzing the financial crime industry, are you overwhelmed by data points? The more pressing concern is likely how to gain deeper insight into data that lead to more valuable business decisions. In this episode, host Alex Pillow and Jamie Hutton, CTO of Quantexa, discuss how entity resolution can be a powerful tool on your journey toward more impactful and affective KYC.
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Bonus Episode: Suisse Secrets Reaction

The recent Suisse Secrets data leak from the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) exposed unethical business dealings within the global banking system. These leaks are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to widespread misconduct in the financial system. These suspicious transactions fuel a vast range of illegal activities like tax evasion, money laundering, drug trafficking, and modern slavery. Host Alex Pillow and Hugo Veazey, explore flaws embedded in the foundation of legal and banking systems around the globe and their devastating consequences. Listen along as they discuss the power organizations have to shift this dangerous and immoral paradigm by making systematic compliance changes to their tools, training, and accountability standards.
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Season 1 Episode 3
March 3, 2022

UBOs and Why They Matter

Ultimate beneficial ownership of a company is not as straightforward as it seems. This opaqueness begets a system where business structures are created legally, and yet are also the preferred vehicle for furthering financial crime like money laundering, human trafficking, and migrant smuggling. Follow along as host Alex Pillow dives deeper into the topic of UBOs with highly esteemed author and investigative journalist, Oliver Bullough, and Moody's Analytics Financial Crime Industry Practice Lead, Ted Datta.
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Season 1 Episode 2
February 14, 2022

Modern Slavery and How to Fight It

While unequivocally wrong, the global practice of modern slavery is yet to be completely eradicated. Host Alex Pillow is joined by Professor Zoe Trodd, Executive Director of Rights Lab, and Jakob Hahn-Petersen, Moody's Analytics KYC Product Strategist, to discuss the magnitude of the problem and the role governments, organizations, individuals, and technology can play to fight against it.
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Season 1 Episode 1
January 31, 2022

Moody’s Talks: KYC Decoded

Moody’s Talks: KYC Decoded is your window into the world of financial crime fighters and the industries that arm them against the illegal actors that threaten people, companies and society. Listen and learn from subject matter experts, authors and practitioners to find out how you can better address and mitigate the risks to your business and community.
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