
In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, the insurance industry has never been more critical to our global economy.   

As risks continue to grow and compound in unforeseen ways, risk selection, pricing, and management require greater insight than ever before. 

Our unique combination of science, data, technology, and expertise provides insurers, reinsurers, and brokers with the ability to address their most complex challenges – helping to close the insurance gap and drive performance.

How can we help?

Moody's highly differentiated solutions bring together software, models, data, analytics, and best practices, helping insurers, reinsurers, brokers, and other public and private entities to make better decisions with confidence.

Model catastrophe risk with industry-leading science

For over 30 years, Moody’s RMS has led the way in transforming the catastrophe risk industry, helping organizations make better decisions to improve human and environmental outcomes.

Modernize your actuarial system

Moody’s AXIS actuarial system is a powerful modeling solution, used by insurers, reinsurers, and consultants for actuarial analysis of life insurance and annuity business.

Underwrite risks with increased speed and accuracy 

Our cloud-native technology platform, enriched with extensive data and industry-leading science, optimizes underwriting processes, maximizes profitability, and responds faster to market needs.

Measure and manage risk consistently

Our award-winning risk modeling solutions provide you with a consistent view of risk across both sides of the balance sheet. This includes credit and market risk on your investment portfolio as well as natural catastrophe and life insurance exposures for underwriting portfolios.

Comply and report efficiently

Our cloud-native software solutions improve the efficiency and accuracy of your financial and non-financial reporting processes as well as supporting your compliance with sanction and anti-money laundering laws.

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Who we help

01 Actuaries


Moody's supports Chief Actuaries and their teams with our advanced actuarial solutions across the value-chain – from pricing and product development, through asset and liabilities (ALM) and capital management, to financial planning, valuation, and reporting.

We provide actuaries with sophisticated, integrated analysis of assets and liabilities, the ability to easily compute results under multiple bases, and fast, efficient calculations that deliver timely results.

Our solutions prioritize performance, ease of use, flexibility, robustness, scalability, and transparency to enable actuaries to project future cash flows, assess profitability, explore diverse scenarios, and create new insurance products efficiently.

Insurance actuaries
02 Catastrophe modelers and exposure managers

Catastrophe modelers and exposure managers

Moody's supports catastrophe modeling and exposure management by providing industry leading science, an innovative technology platform, and a commitment to empower each customer to create and curate their own view of risk.

Our award-winning Moody's RMS models cover natural risks including earthquakes, hurricanes, windstorms, flooding, wildfires, and climate change in addition to emerging risks like cyberattacks, terrorism, pandemics, and more.

Our platform and collaborative applications deliver each customer’s unique view of risk consistently across exposure management functions so clients can make more informed risk management decisions with greater accuracy, efficiency, and confidence.

Catastrophe modelers
03 Financial and accounting managers

Financial and accounting managers

Moody's supports financial and accounting managers and their teams by helping meet their analytic and compliance needs for regulatory and public reporting standards and the associated internal analysis and decision making.

Our solution suite enables users to project future cash flows, estimate actuarial liabilities and assets, assess profitability, and produce regulatory reporting for Solvency II, Canadian LICAT, U.S. GAAP LDTI liabilities, CeCL, IFRS 17 for insurance liabilities, IFRS 9 for financial instruments, and more. 

These solutions provide timely calculations and reporting that empower financial managers to assess risks, help make informed investment decisions, optimize financial performance, and plan for sustainable growth.

Insurance exposure managers
04 Risk and capital management officers

Risk and capital management officers

Moody’s helps chief risk officers, heads of capital management, and their teams meet their enterprise risk management needs with a suite of risk modeling, analytical, and reporting tools that leverage detailed economic and market scenarios to provide a consistent view of risk. 

Our risk modeling solution suite enables users to assess, monitor, and manage the wide variety of risks faced by the insurance sector including credit, market, insurance underwriting, and catastrophe risks under risk-neutral, real-world, and climate-adjusted scenarios. 

These solutions help the risk management team to identify appropriate risk mitigation strategies, manage the interaction of assets and liabilities (ALM), and make informed decisions so that their organizations can more effectively meet future insurance obligations and regulatory capital adequacy requirements while making the best use of available capital.

Risk managers
05 Underwriters


Moody's helps underwriters select and screen the optimal risks for their portfolios and objectives with award-winning corporate entity data, superior exposure data, global hazard context, insights on emerging risks, and industry-leading science so they can price risk with confidence. 

Our solutions increase underwriting throughput by automating workflows, providing extensive datasets for property and casualty lines of business, and leveraging our high performance, scalable, and cloud-native architecture. 

We offer a common set of analytics that creates a "currency of risk” for consistent communication within your organization and across the risk lifecycle between primary insurers, reinsurers, and brokers to enhance decision making.

Insurance underwriters
Insurance actuaries Catastrophe modelers Insurance exposure managers Risk managers Insurance underwriters


Moody's supports Chief Actuaries and their teams with our advanced actuarial solutions across the value-chain – from pricing and product development, through asset and liabilities (ALM) and capital management, to financial planning, valuation, and reporting.

We provide actuaries with sophisticated, integrated analysis of assets and liabilities, the ability to easily compute results under multiple bases, and fast, efficient calculations that deliver timely results.

Our solutions prioritize performance, ease of use, flexibility, robustness, scalability, and transparency to enable actuaries to project future cash flows, assess profitability, explore diverse scenarios, and create new insurance products efficiently.

Catastrophe modelers and exposure managers

Moody's supports catastrophe modeling and exposure management by providing industry leading science, an innovative technology platform, and a commitment to empower each customer to create and curate their own view of risk.

Our award-winning Moody's RMS models cover natural risks including earthquakes, hurricanes, windstorms, flooding, wildfires, and climate change in addition to emerging risks like cyberattacks, terrorism, pandemics, and more.

Our platform and collaborative applications deliver each customer’s unique view of risk consistently across exposure management functions so clients can make more informed risk management decisions with greater accuracy, efficiency, and confidence.

Financial and accounting managers

Moody's supports financial and accounting managers and their teams by helping meet their analytic and compliance needs for regulatory and public reporting standards and the associated internal analysis and decision making.

Our solution suite enables users to project future cash flows, estimate actuarial liabilities and assets, assess profitability, and produce regulatory reporting for Solvency II, Canadian LICAT, U.S. GAAP LDTI liabilities, CeCL, IFRS 17 for insurance liabilities, IFRS 9 for financial instruments, and more. 

These solutions provide timely calculations and reporting that empower financial managers to assess risks, help make informed investment decisions, optimize financial performance, and plan for sustainable growth.

Risk and capital management officers

Moody’s helps chief risk officers, heads of capital management, and their teams meet their enterprise risk management needs with a suite of risk modeling, analytical, and reporting tools that leverage detailed economic and market scenarios to provide a consistent view of risk. 

Our risk modeling solution suite enables users to assess, monitor, and manage the wide variety of risks faced by the insurance sector including credit, market, insurance underwriting, and catastrophe risks under risk-neutral, real-world, and climate-adjusted scenarios. 

These solutions help the risk management team to identify appropriate risk mitigation strategies, manage the interaction of assets and liabilities (ALM), and make informed decisions so that their organizations can more effectively meet future insurance obligations and regulatory capital adequacy requirements while making the best use of available capital.


Moody's helps underwriters select and screen the optimal risks for their portfolios and objectives with award-winning corporate entity data, superior exposure data, global hazard context, insights on emerging risks, and industry-leading science so they can price risk with confidence. 

Our solutions increase underwriting throughput by automating workflows, providing extensive datasets for property and casualty lines of business, and leveraging our high performance, scalable, and cloud-native architecture. 

We offer a common set of analytics that creates a "currency of risk” for consistent communication within your organization and across the risk lifecycle between primary insurers, reinsurers, and brokers to enhance decision making.

Case studies


01 Underwriting


Moody’s underwriting expertise is rooted in industry leadership that encompasses the world’s most comprehensive data on companies and with our award-winning modeling for natural disasters, climate change, cyber threats, terrorism, pandemics, and much more. 

Our underwriting solutions leverage over 30 years of catastrophe modeling, validated by actual losses, comprehensive public and private entity data, and cloud-native technology to quickly model interconnected risks so you can price risk with confidence. 

Our workflow-specific applications enable underwriters to evaluate substantially more submissions across multiple risk categories so you can optimize your portfolio within the context of your entire business. 

02 Risk and capital management

Risk and capital management

Moody's risk and capital management solutions for insurance help with all elements of the enterprise risk management framework including identification, modeling, monitoring, and reporting of risks on an individual, portfolio, and aggregate level to support clients to meet their future insurance obligations and regulatory capital adequacy requirements.  

Our suite of tools covers actuarial and risk modeling, asset-liability management, natural catastrophe modeling, investment portfolio management, underwriting portfolio management, and capital adequacy measurement and reporting.  

These tools help you assess the relevant risk factors under various scenarios to be used in processes within the insurance value chain such as pricing and underwriting, risk mitigation and solvency, and capital management.

03 Financial reporting

Financial reporting

Moody's financial reporting solutions provide advanced tools and platforms that help you manage data and assumptions and meet analytics and compliance needs for a wide range of regulatory and financial reporting standards. 

Our modeling solutions are used by insurers, reinsurers, and consultants for actuarial analysis in the life insurance and annuity sector. These solutions are delivered through a system that prioritizes performance, ease of implementation, flexibility, robustness, scalability, and transparency, all while lowering the overall cost of use.

We help insurers in many areas such as Solvency II, Canadian LICAT, U.S. GAAP reporting LDTI, CeCL, IFRS 9, IFRS 17, TCFD, ISSB reporting, and more. 

04 Compliance


Moody’s client due diligence and business intelligence capabilities provide a full view of risk exposure in your portfolio throughout the customer lifecycle.  

Our data and insights on individuals and companies across the globe include sanctioned entities, PEPs (Politically Exposed Persons), watchlists, corporate structures, and beneficial ownership. You can integrate this risk information with your own customer and prospect data to improve onboarding and screening efficiency, safeguard your organization’s reputation, and streamline your anti-money laundering and client due diligence processes.


Moody’s underwriting expertise is rooted in industry leadership that encompasses the world’s most comprehensive data on companies and with our award-winning modeling for natural disasters, climate change, cyber threats, terrorism, pandemics, and much more. 

Our underwriting solutions leverage over 30 years of catastrophe modeling, validated by actual losses, comprehensive public and private entity data, and cloud-native technology to quickly model interconnected risks so you can price risk with confidence. 

Our workflow-specific applications enable underwriters to evaluate substantially more submissions across multiple risk categories so you can optimize your portfolio within the context of your entire business. 

Risk and capital management

Moody's risk and capital management solutions for insurance help with all elements of the enterprise risk management framework including identification, modeling, monitoring, and reporting of risks on an individual, portfolio, and aggregate level to support clients to meet their future insurance obligations and regulatory capital adequacy requirements.  

Our suite of tools covers actuarial and risk modeling, asset-liability management, natural catastrophe modeling, investment portfolio management, underwriting portfolio management, and capital adequacy measurement and reporting.  

These tools help you assess the relevant risk factors under various scenarios to be used in processes within the insurance value chain such as pricing and underwriting, risk mitigation and solvency, and capital management.

Financial reporting

Moody's financial reporting solutions provide advanced tools and platforms that help you manage data and assumptions and meet analytics and compliance needs for a wide range of regulatory and financial reporting standards. 

Our modeling solutions are used by insurers, reinsurers, and consultants for actuarial analysis in the life insurance and annuity sector. These solutions are delivered through a system that prioritizes performance, ease of implementation, flexibility, robustness, scalability, and transparency, all while lowering the overall cost of use.

We help insurers in many areas such as Solvency II, Canadian LICAT, U.S. GAAP reporting LDTI, CeCL, IFRS 9, IFRS 17, TCFD, ISSB reporting, and more. 


Moody’s client due diligence and business intelligence capabilities provide a full view of risk exposure in your portfolio throughout the customer lifecycle.  

Our data and insights on individuals and companies across the globe include sanctioned entities, PEPs (Politically Exposed Persons), watchlists, corporate structures, and beneficial ownership. You can integrate this risk information with your own customer and prospect data to improve onboarding and screening efficiency, safeguard your organization’s reputation, and streamline your anti-money laundering and client due diligence processes.


"The only time you can control that rate is when it’s being priced. Moody’s RMS Location Intelligence has been able to assist in ensuring we are pricing adequately at the end of the quarter."

- Daniel Murray
Chief Underwriting Officer, Covenant Underwriters


01 Sustainability


Moody's advanced insurance solutions include Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors to provide a comprehensive perspective of pivotal risks and ESG underwriting and portfolio analysis based on the Partnership for Carbon Accounting (PCAF) standards. 

We assess ESG risks and carbon emissions by combining public and private company data, indicators, and scores using a specialized framework and cloud-native technology. 

Our solutions enable portfolio managers, underwriters, and sustainability officers to overcome the practical challenges of incorporating ESG underwriting and sustainability assessment and enable compliance with reporting standards. 

Insurers use our platform to integrate their own view of ESG risk into their workflows and processes and to stay ahead in an evolving market.

Sustainable underwriting
02 Climate risk

Climate risk

Moody’s climate-conditioned catastrophe models, global climate risk quantification, and climate scenario generators provide near- and long-term risk outlooks for climate change risk for both underwriting exposure and assets under management. 

Our comprehensive models and scenarios enable insurers to improve risk selection, incorporate new insights into their views of risk, and optimize both assets and liabilities.

Insurers use our models to understand, evaluate, and manage climate change risk in multiple regions. We model potential disruptive events, calculate the probability of occurrence, and assess the associated losses.

Climate risk
03 Company reference data

Company reference data

Moody's market-leading data solutions help insurers, reinsurers, and brokers to gain a  differentiated, real-time understanding of exposure risks and extensive public and private entity business risks to reduce frictional expense and build consistency across their businesses.

With our data solutions, we can:

  • Provide global entity coverage of more than 450 million public, private, and government entities and firmographic data for 65+ million business locations

  • Deliver catastrophe information for every major peril and geography, with minimal technical overhead or latency

  • Apply the same insights to analytics across underwriting, capital management, and reinsurance for full consistency without the latency required by manual processes

  • Integrate seamlessly into existing processes, providing insurers with extensive data coverage and powerful analytics

  • Inform third-party relationships and economic trends

04 Credit risk

Credit risk

We enable insurers to quickly access core credit information or explore a full suite of credit ratings and research from Moody’s Ratings. Insurers can also gain valuable insights into critical insurance topics and sectors, enhancing their understanding of relevant trends and drivers that shape credit quality.

By leveraging Moody's market and economic indicators, we provide timely alerts for credit deterioration and rating transitions tailored to the insurance industry. We extend direct global access to our analysts, ensuring expert support for insurers.

Credit Risk
05 Economic data

Economic data

Moody's extensive scenario modeling expertise and deep domain knowledge of the insurance market help insurers with their modeling requirements in many areas, such as:

  • Assessing the financial impact of climate change

  • Determining group-wide economic and regulatory capital requirements

  • Developing capital management strategies

  • Pricing complex embedded guarantees and options

These capabilities are fully transparent, integrated with our AXIS actuarial system, and supported by a range of content services.  

Our scenario modeling framework ensures that clients can maintain consistent assumptions, aligned with current market prices, and extend them to cover all economies, risk factors, asset classes, and time horizons relevant to their assets, liabilities, and planning horizon.

Economic Data
Sustainable underwriting Climate risk Data Credit Risk Economic Data


Moody's advanced insurance solutions include Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors to provide a comprehensive perspective of pivotal risks and ESG underwriting and portfolio analysis based on the Partnership for Carbon Accounting (PCAF) standards. 

We assess ESG risks and carbon emissions by combining public and private company data, indicators, and scores using a specialized framework and cloud-native technology. 

Our solutions enable portfolio managers, underwriters, and sustainability officers to overcome the practical challenges of incorporating ESG underwriting and sustainability assessment and enable compliance with reporting standards. 

Insurers use our platform to integrate their own view of ESG risk into their workflows and processes and to stay ahead in an evolving market.

Climate risk

Moody’s climate-conditioned catastrophe models, global climate risk quantification, and climate scenario generators provide near- and long-term risk outlooks for climate change risk for both underwriting exposure and assets under management. 

Our comprehensive models and scenarios enable insurers to improve risk selection, incorporate new insights into their views of risk, and optimize both assets and liabilities.

Insurers use our models to understand, evaluate, and manage climate change risk in multiple regions. We model potential disruptive events, calculate the probability of occurrence, and assess the associated losses.

Company reference data

Moody's market-leading data solutions help insurers, reinsurers, and brokers to gain a  differentiated, real-time understanding of exposure risks and extensive public and private entity business risks to reduce frictional expense and build consistency across their businesses.

With our data solutions, we can:

  • Provide global entity coverage of more than 450 million public, private, and government entities and firmographic data for 65+ million business locations

  • Deliver catastrophe information for every major peril and geography, with minimal technical overhead or latency

  • Apply the same insights to analytics across underwriting, capital management, and reinsurance for full consistency without the latency required by manual processes

  • Integrate seamlessly into existing processes, providing insurers with extensive data coverage and powerful analytics

  • Inform third-party relationships and economic trends

Credit risk

We enable insurers to quickly access core credit information or explore a full suite of credit ratings and research from Moody’s Ratings. Insurers can also gain valuable insights into critical insurance topics and sectors, enhancing their understanding of relevant trends and drivers that shape credit quality.

By leveraging Moody's market and economic indicators, we provide timely alerts for credit deterioration and rating transitions tailored to the insurance industry. We extend direct global access to our analysts, ensuring expert support for insurers.

Economic data

Moody's extensive scenario modeling expertise and deep domain knowledge of the insurance market help insurers with their modeling requirements in many areas, such as:

  • Assessing the financial impact of climate change

  • Determining group-wide economic and regulatory capital requirements

  • Developing capital management strategies

  • Pricing complex embedded guarantees and options

These capabilities are fully transparent, integrated with our AXIS actuarial system, and supported by a range of content services.  

Our scenario modeling framework ensures that clients can maintain consistent assumptions, aligned with current market prices, and extend them to cover all economies, risk factors, asset classes, and time horizons relevant to their assets, liabilities, and planning horizon.


“IFRS 17 implementation has become a key lever for modernizing and industrializing our actuarial processes. We chose Moody’s solutions AXIS™ and RiskIntegrity™ for IFRS 17 based on their balance between out-of-the-box predefined structure and flexibility, which will help us simplify the implementation and modeling of all our life insurance products.”

- Carlos González
Chief Financial Officer, Seguros RGA

News and views

Chaucer announces new collaboration with Moody’s to revolutionise the way businesses manage their ESG profile

Together, Chaucer and Moody’s aim to produce an innovative, data-driven Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ‘scorecard’.

  • Insurance
  • ESG risk
Catastrophe risk modelling solution of the year: Moody's RMS

Moody's RMS took the title following a landmark 12 months which saw it welcome its 100th active client to use applications and services on its Intelligent Risk Platform (IRP).

  • Insurance
Moody’s RMS’ Biyikoglu: Siloed systems and complex integration detrimental to modelling capabilities

Modelling risk is challenging enough on its own, but siloed systems and complex integration pose additional technical challenges for clients, according to Cihan Biyikoglu, Executive Vice President of Product at Moody’s RMS.

  • Insurance
Panel debate: Enabling measurable action in the insurance underwriting ESG journey

There is currently significant momentum for the (re)insurance markets in relation to ESG, with the industry markedly increasing its focus on assessing risk through an ESG lens.

  • Insurance
  • ESG risk


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