Automated KYC solutions for banks


Customer due diligence and KYC are daily activities for banks. Through automation, Moody’s can make risk management and compliance processes more efficient and effective.

Create an approach to KYC based around your business, your customers, and where you operate. We can digitally transform your risk policies. Create an automated workflow of data checks. Integrate any number of data sources for due diligence. And deliver all this via one platform.

Banks can automate risk management and compliance activities to stop financial criminals, not good customers. Get a KYC solution that’s flexible and efficient, while enabling great customer experiences.

Financial institutions
Financial institutions
Financial institutions

Onboarding & Risk Monitoring

KYC and KYB for banks

KYC: Risk management and compliance at scale

Orchestrate digital-first Know Your Customer (KYC) experiences for retail customers. Complete the required individual data checks to build a risk profile for each customer. Decide who you onboard and how they should be monitored. We can integrate checks for seamless onboarding, maximize straight-through processing, and build this around your risk appetite. 

KYB: Corporate onboarding and enhanced due diligence

Automate Know Your Business (KYB) due diligence processes and access data via a single solution. Verify the legitimacy of business customers and suppliers to understand risk and make decisions with confidence about who to work with. Confirm identities; beneficial ownership; screen PEPs, sanctions, adverse media, and more. Create a picture of risk, then monitor changes across your third-party network in near real-time.

Continuous tracking of risk exposure

Use Moody’s risk-relevant data with ownership and control information in your sanctions compliance framework. Understand how sanctioned individuals and entities are connected through complex networks and ownership structure with updated sanctions rules and lists. Mitigate potential risks and perform robust due diligence with continuous monitoring, access to comprehensive data, and intuitive investigative tools.

Technical innovation

Latest KYC and KYB automation for banks


Our Sanctions360 solution revolutionizes sanctions screening. It streamlines the detection of sanctions-related risks within your customer base, counterparty network, and supply chain, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of your compliance program. Sanctions360 empowers banks with deeper investigative research capabilities, elevating their due diligence processes.

AI-powered screening

AI Review is a cutting-edge screening technology that reduces false positives by up to 70%, optimizing true alerts to expedite decision-making. Our machine learning model, informed by two decades of expertise and millions of analyst decisions, provides an alert confidence score for each inquiry. Use AI for consistent, accurate alert processing automation.

Fraud prevention

Combining leading entity data, identity verification, negative news, and intelligent screening we support banks to build out their fraud prevention solutions. Automatically detect threats and new fraud typologies. Report suspicious activity and maintain compliance using Moody’s award-winning fraud detection and prevention solution.

Key benefits

Successful anti-financial crime and risk management

Financial institutions
Financial institutions
Financial institutions

Flexible AML and KYC solutions

Designed around your business and its risk policies, implement a flexible KYC solution. Update your workflow configuration and data checks when you need. Adapt to regulatory changes quickly and efficiently to ensure compliance without having to embark on an expensive change program.

A complete picture of risk

Implement an automated workflow of risk and compliance checks integrated with Moody's leading data combined with more than 25 other global providers. Use a single solution to perform checks that create a full picture of risk and make risk-based decisions about who you work with.

Smart, intelligent screening

Use quality, accurate data and intelligent screening from Moody’s to reduce the number of false positives your team deals with each day. Curate information on counterparty risk from award-winning sources, and filter that data according to your bank’s criteria before viewing results.

KYC that works for your bank and its customers

Create a digital-first approach to KYC for seamless customer experiences during onboarding and risk monitoring. Ensure your compliance team can focus time where they add value in analysis, judgment, and decision making. Scale anti-financial crime compliance without adding resources to your business.

The data you need to support AML investigations

Moody’s provides access to real-time risk data integrated with your KYC or CDD workflow to support any AML investigation. Establish a configuration that works for you and your bank – then change it when you need to. Use our risk engine to automate compliance tasks and integrate AML data checks to achieve a picture of risk quickly and efficiently.

Accurate, structured data integrated into your KYC process

Create operational efficiency and less friction in your KYC processes by integrating the data you need for customer due diligence via a single solution. Create a full picture of risk that is always on, that you can trust. Understand where material risks lie in real-time, not just at a point in time, through a process of perpetual KYC. Customer data is clear, auditable, and unified in a single solution.

Reduce the time it takes to respond to audit

Armed with the information you need; you can be responsive to audit requests. Risk and compliance records can be held in one place. The data we provide is of the highest quality and risk profiles are curated and stored with a history of decisions detailed to satisfy due diligence requirements and auditors. 

Real-time risk monitoring

Perpetual KYC for banks

Manage ever-changing risks across your customer base as part of your KYC and AML strategy using a process of perpetual KYC (pKYC)

With pKYC, banks don’t review low-, medium-, and high-risk customers according to set timeframes. We use automation to screen and highlight circumstantial or risk-relevant changes to a customer's profile on a continual basis.

If a risk arises, it is flagged, can be investigated, and any necessary action taken without delay.

Banks are using a combination of automation, artificial intelligence, and peoplepower to conduct pKYC and solve the challenges of handling a changing risk landscape. This always-on approach can be more efficient and cost-effective compared to large-scale remediation projects. And it’s a sustainable way to meet risk and compliance challenges without adding resources into your business. 

Perpetual KYC means banks can be proactive; constantly and consistently monitoring risk and maintaining compliance. 

Who we serve

A global banking industry

"Access to primary source registers via a single sign-on platform, huge country coverage, a Concierge and Translation Service… I don’t know any other company who can offer that. This puts us at a real competitive advantage."

Transforming compliance and master data management for global banks

A case study

This case study highlights how a global banking client revolutionized its KYC processes with Moody’s Entity Verification API, enhancing Master Data Management and operational efficiency. The client, a leader in the financial world, wanted a modern, automated solution to serve its investment and commercial banking divisions better and faster. The implementation of the Entity Verification API provided a single, trusted source for entity data, enabling automated onboarding and perpetual KYC processes. Moody’s solution offered scalability, flexibility, and a perpetual view on counterparty risk, making it a game-changer for the bank's operations. 

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