Risk & threat solutions for government bodies


In today’s data-driven world, scale and complexity are at levels not seen by government agencies before. Being data-driven is no longer an aspiration, it’s a necessity. Government agencies need to adapt, to become more efficient, and to make better use of the internal and OSINT data now available.

At Moody’s, we provide deep data intelligence and predictive analytics to help government customers protect and defend national security, and make faster, more efficient, and transparent decisions. Across government agencies, we provide analysts, investigators, regulators, and policy makers with far-reaching insight into hidden threats, and into disruptors of strategic, operational, and tactical missions.


Our integrated approach

Key challenges in Government

We work with Government teams globally to support a wide range of critical policy challenges through a variety of use cases and solutions. Moody’s KYC solutions can help drive improvements in efficiency, data integration, automation, and the scalability of your teams and processes. Our tools enable you to access data and automate checks that help identify risk and prevent fraud.

Key challenges in government

What we do

Leading the fight against financial crime

“Drawing upon our decades of experience operating internationally and our deep commitment to mitigating sanctions evasion, this programming provides tailored and effective compliance training solutions all over the world. As part of our broader vision for a more secure world, we take pride in strengthening institutions by connecting individuals, and empowering them with knowledge and due diligence resources to use in their professional capacity.”

Five key areas

Government departments we help

Development banks, export agencies, research funding, social care

Law enforcement, intelligence and defense

Tax authorities

Defense, health services, and central procurement teams

Financial sector, charity sector, gambling sector, ESG, and beyond


Development banks, export agencies, research funding, social care

Government backed business loans, underwriting, research or development grants and even benefits paid to individuals all have one thing in common – risk. It’s important to understand if the organization is real, if it is reputable, and whether the funds will be used for their intended purpose.

Anti-money laundering (AML), fraud, and reputational risk assessments cannot be based solely on national data when networks are international.  Government agencies need to understand if there is a sanctioned entity in their chain, or a state actor controlling the acquisition in a sensitive industry.

For individuals, it’s important to decipher whether claimants are making legitimate claims, or whether they are part of an organized, industrialized fraud scheme.  Better insight is key to protecting revenue and delivering value to the public.

Law enforcement, intelligence & defense

Local, regional, and national police forces, trans-national enforcement agencies, financial intelligence units. Domestic and international-facing intelligence agencies, border control, ministries of defense, armed forces.

Global, standardized data enables cross-border strategy in a fraction of the time needed for data requests between allies.  “Follow the money” by reviewing corporate hierarchies across borders, even when many layers of complexity exist. By networking ownership and control across our dataset of +450 million companies, we help you uncover complex ownership paths, to better understand when high levels of influence and control sit with minor shareholders and to see a chain that may include circular ownership, multiple/integrated ownership paths, and any bad actors engaged at relevant levels.

Download brochure: Intelligence capabilities for National Security

Tax authorities

As tax revenues are fundamental to funding the public sector, effective enforcement is critical to national objectives. By helping to identify the network of beneficial owners, industry performance benchmarks by industry code or country, and key individuals in the network, we can help protect essential revenues that enable government priorities.

Defense, health services, & central procurement teams

We help customers understand their supply chain risk in terms of  ownership, control, and any red flags present such as human trafficking or modern slavery.  Dive deeper into Tier 1, 2, 3, and 4 suppliers to better understand resilience in a supply chain and identify risks before they impact delivery.

Financial sector, charity sector, gambling sector, ESG, & beyond

By delivering best-in-class global data on a wide range of risks, then linking the risk flags to our global network of companies and directors we can support benchmarking, enforcement, and best practice as well as a “fit and proper” assessment of key individuals in a range of regulated sectors.

Articles and insights

More resources for Government teams

Those working in Customs and Border protection face increasing challenges related to organized crimes like human trafficking, drug trafficking, and smuggling. In this new paper, you will find valuable data on the increase in organized crime globally, information on how it’s possible to optimize investigations, and ways to identify risky corporate behaviors and those who pose a threat. 

Financial grooming (sometimes called “pig butchering”), is a sophisticated social engineering fraud which poses significant risks to individuals, corporations, and government agencies alike. This typology involves a combination of relationship scams, criminal organizations, and the brutality of forced labor.

Moody’s carried out primary research with a number of global corporations to delve into their processes and priorities for third-party risk management.  

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