Simplify due diligence and reputational risk management


Corporate organizations are constantly facing a multitude of risks and financial crimes that can significantly impact your operations, reputation, and bottom line. These risks can range from financial fraud, money laundering, and cyber-attacks to reputational damage, regulatory and sanctions compliance. In today's interconnected and fast-paced business world, the challenges and complexities of managing these risks have become more pronounced, as the consequences of financial crimes and reputational damage can have far-reaching effects on your stakeholders.

Understand where risks lie across your business network by implementing a solution that delivers compliance, protection, and great customer experiences.

Our world-class solutions can be tailored to drastically reduce false positives and manual processes while providing curated risk insights to help you make decisions. 


Holistic insight

Transform your risk management program

Unify your approach

Gain a consistent view of risk across your organization with automation; integrate a workflow of accurate, real-time data checks; and get alerts related to customers or suppliers with material changes to their risk profile.

Be good corporate citizens

Meet expectations for corporate responsibility, reputational risk, and transparency with reliable anti-corruption procedures in place. Identify potential concerns in your supply and development chains, and manage global sanctions requirements with efficient and effective due diligence.

Untangle complex ownership structures

Knowing with whom you are truly doing business is essential. Create transparency around ultimate beneficial ownership (UBO), control, and shareholder structure so you can make decisions with confidence about who you work with.


Onboarding & risk monitoring

How Moody's helps

We can help you make efficient, risk-based decisions about your supplier network, your partners, and customers and monitor them for status changes. 

Leverage our deep and broad data on entities and individuals, apply the appropriate level of due diligence based on your organization's risk policy, reduce false positives to build a more effective risk and anti-corruption program.

Stay apace with ever-growing international sanctions regulations, export controls and anti-bribery and corruption rules with accurate sanctions data, associated entity, and politically exposed persons data. You can screen beyond lists and understand ownership and control of the organizations you’re doing business with.

Understand your exposure to reputational risk with access to trusted, curated adverse media information, as well as specialized datasets.

TPRM is a cross-functional challenge that needs a cross-functional solution. Our solutions can be tailored to the needs of your organization, so you can understand threats to your business and protect its reputation.  Centralize your risk management and build trust with international brands and third parties in your network.

Address risk at scale with our solutions that automate workflows, data checks, and case management throughout the compliance lifecycle. Orchestrate customer due diligence, enhanced due diligence, and risk checks based on your policies. Put the weight of activity on automation to reduce manual effort, then bring people into the process where they add most value.

Schedule a demo and discover how our platform can transform your corporate risk management practices. 

Supporting companies globally

Industries we help

Navigating fluid political structures, overseeing a complex global supply chain, and keeping regulators satisfied is challenging. You need an effective compliance program to protect your company and your bottom line. To conduct business in high-risk markets, your compliance program needs to offer maximum protection that can be managed efficiently. We can help you build a TPRM solution that aligns with your policies, consolidates processes, and helps you understand risks in your global relationships.

Technology firms face a wide variety of regulatory and reputational risk - from sanctions, export control and anti-corruption, through to intellectual property infringement and third-party relationship risk. With limited compliance resources, the ability to effectively address these without impacting efficiency and productivity is critical. We can help you build a TPRM program that provides consistency and a holistic view of third-party risks, while still considering regional variations and compliance requirements. 

Your organization has an imperative to comply with supply chain risk to prevent financial, environmental, and social crimes; and to protect itself from association with illegal or unethical practices. Our solutions help you uncover risk and comply with anti-bribery and corruption regulations like FCPA or the UK Bribery Act.

Complex supply chains and geographical reach expose you to a broad range of third-party risks. Ensure that third parties and their subcontractors can withstand the scrutiny of regulators and your internal policies, leverage the flexibility of our datasets that can integrate into your existing enterprise applications We can help you build a TPRM program that provides consistency and a holistic view of third-party risks, while still considering regional variations and compliance requirements. Leverage flexibility of our datasets to integrate into your existing enterprise applications.

With locations and operations around the globe a centralized TPRM program can provide consistency and a holistic view of third-party risks, while still considering regional variations and compliance requirements. We can help you build a best practice program that includes high-risk geographies and helps you adapt and stay ahead of the fast pace of industry regulations.  


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